IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Humanity has always been spending a lot of time at work. Over the recent decades, people have been focusing on their work even more, which results in less free time. I believe that this phenomenon has mostly negative imp
A lot of individuals tend to spend more hours at work as it becomes more competitive these days. Although we have some benefits to this which cannot be ignored, in this essay I will explain why the problems are more.
In my opinion, I think that having long work hours and leaving extremely minimal time for leisure activities has more disadvantages than the benefits it might bring.
A vast number of individuals support the notion that working for a long time constrains social interactions. I believe that regardless of lengthy work schedules individuals should create sufficient time to relax and unwi
With the increasing population, poverty and inflation in countries, a major part of the public tends to work long hours to meet the growing cost of living. However, the downside of this is that it leads people to have fe
Time spins and with every spins there is change. The change brings out lots doubts, conflicts and controversies. So the issue of increasing number of people working longer hours, leaving very little time for leisure acti
Time spins and with every spins there is change. The change brings out lots doubts, conflicts and controversies. So the issue an increasingly number of people working longer hours, leaving very little time for leisure ac
These days, plenty of workers are working too many hours in their fields and they do other activities minimum. While this situation has many disadvantages and less positive sides because a person has to maintain their pr
A lot of people tend to work extra hours at their workplace which in turn leads them to be left with minimal or no time for leisure activities. Despite the fact that this can result in both pros as well as cons which wil
Nowadays, individuals are spending a huge amount of time in their workplace and giving a lesser duration for relaxation. Whilst there are clearly some benefits to doing so, I personally believe that the drawbacks are mo
Many argue that, work long hours, leaving very little time for leisure activities. Everything has its own pros and cons. In my opinion, working long hours is more beneficial than doing leisure activities.
Of course, everyone has dreams and goals, and it's no secret that you have to sweat hard to achieve them. Unfortunately, some people are too into it, that is, they work 17-18 hours a day like a robot.I believe this situ
Work life balance is hot topic in lifestyle magazines. The more you spend time for work, the more you loose time for chilling and rest. Long hours wrkinghave both advantages and disadvantages, although its drawbacks are
Nowadays, the competition among people is increasing as technology is getting better. Consequently, people work extra hours at office, and therefore, they have no time for leisure activities. In my opinion, I think that
Some people are inclined to dedicate all their life to work with no free time for entertainment. Although this approach is quite popular nowadays, I believe that it leads to more drawbacks than benifits.
Nowadays, it has been observed that in order to have a healthy and peaceful life, we need to have a balance in our work-life, however, many end up working long hours which leaves hardly anytime for other activities in li
In these recent years, people claim that they working under a major hour per day and have minimal hours for social life. As they found that they have no time for their family and friends. I agree to a certain that workin
Nowadays, working hard is very popular for many people. They are always busy going to parties and leisure activities. Although, it is caused by long work or study in their daily routine. In this essay I will compare plu
Nowadays we cannot deny the fact that the number of workers is growing up in the every year. But they are prefer to pay more attention to their work rather than their interests. And I believe that if you like your profes
there is no doubt people care more to their careers. Working for long hours leaves less time for entertaining activities.this essay will discuss two aspects in the following content.
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