IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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No one can deny the importance of career in our life. Particularly, work is the main source for our income and most of necessitates. Lots of people are forced to operate more than normal working hours to provide their li
Nowadays, people are spending less time on leisure activities because of working overtime. I believe working long hours would have some disadvantages in the life of human beings. Mainly, because leaving no room for leisu
Nowadays, employees are working more than regular hours,therefore they don't have extra time for leisure activities. This essay will argue that despite earning a high salary,it impacts physical health and relationships w
In today's fast-paced world, many people find themselves working long hours in order to meet the demands of their jobs. This leaves very little time for leisure activities, such as spending time with family and friends,
Nowadays, the majority of employees work in the long run, in order to they cannot allocate time for leisure activities. I believe there are far more disadvantages of long-term working than its advantages, which will be
In this fast-paced world, many people have almost no life for relaxing or outdoor activities due to their extensive labour hours. This lifestyle has several adverse impacts on their life than benefits.
In recent years, the world has been full of working time. All people tend to always work without thinking about spare time to do many pivotal and useful activities. This essay will argue that full-time working will affec
Nowadays, society is busy with their jobs and does not have time to spend on leisure activities like sports, vacations and hobbies. In this essay, I would like to elaborate benefits and drawbacks to individuals who are n
Some individuals have little time for pastimes due to working too many hours. It is clear that the downsides of working long hours including relationship issues, as well as, mental, and physical complications outweigh th
One of the most prevalent trends in the contemporary world is the cumulative increase in working hours to live a good life. While many people argue that long hours make you tired and unable to take part in different act
A large number of citizens spend their time working also they put an insignificant amount of their life to themselves fulfilment.I think this occurrence has catastrophic effects and its cons completely outweigh the pros,
These days people have little time to debute to hobbies , which is a result of getting involved in working long hours and this situation has more drawbacks to advantages.
Working overtime is becoming more popular in the modern world, especially among the young generation due to many causes which prevent them from having much spare time. There might be many favourable features for this mat
One of the realities of the world is that most individuals tend to work more than expected and as a consequence of this trend, they do not have enough time for their hobbies. Working extended hours is a key to success in
A numerous people willing to spend more time in to work for the benefits that is usually provided by companies, with consequence that they need to sacrifice their time for leisure activities. This essay, will provide fur
There is no denying the fact that the phenomenon of working long hours is ubiquitous across the globe due to its importance. The Majority of folks are in favor of this statement due to its number of merits. However, some
It is important to have a pastime besides working. A myriad of people work hard and do not dedicate any time for rest. This essay will look at the disadvantages of working overtime, and I firmly believe the result of th
Nowadays, the condition of the economy become a reason for people to spend more time in the workplace. For many, this habit is relevant to earning more money, and for others, it is for personal interest. However, there a
It is undeniable that People are busier and work longer, but having little spare time has become a tendency in our society. I will discuss the pros and cons in the following paragraphs.
Engaging in labor is an essential undertaking for subsistence. Numerous people are overworked and consequently have less time to unwind. The advantages and disadvantages will be discussed in the subsequent paragraph.
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