IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Exercising regularly is beneficial in ensuring good health and physical fitness, however, lots of workers exercise too little or not at all during the week or off work periods, causing health challenges for them. In this
Nowadays health issues In many people are getting increase day-by-day. Many working people do not exercise either on the working day or at the weekend. Due to this, they are suffering from many diseases. This essay will
Nowadays, most people are of the opinion that exercise doesn't have much relevance in their daily activities and as such they develop problems in the long run.we will discuss extensively the problems that can arise fr
Numerous working individuals almost do not perform any physical activity during weekends and weekends. Therefore, it leads to serious consequences related to health. The primary reason is they do not have any motivation
Exercising is very necessary for our health but nowadays it can not deny that working men and women did not take as many workouts as important, thus it is a cause of diseases for them. This essay will discuss the issues
Trying to find time to exercise, either on a working day or during their free time, has been a concern for many people. As a result, they face health issues. In this essay, we will look into numerous reasons behind this
It is true that more and more people rarely work out nowadays, and that lead to pressures on hospital system. There are a variety of reasons for this, but steps can definitely be taken to tackle the problem.
Nowaday we live an unhealthy and lazy lifestyle because we use a car so it is not necerssery to walk and we can buy premade food or fast food which are ready to eat. Burn less energy and eat much more calori so the bal
Passive lifestyle may be one of the main causes of cardiovascular disiases. Since people do not have enough time or money for fitness they tend to have less activity in their lives then required by doctors. In this case
It has been observed that numerous breadwinners do not get much time for health and wellbeing during their work hours or in their leisure time and end up having health issues. My discourse ahead will state the reasons be
In this contemporary era, people are of the notion that due to their hectic work ,schedules they do not get time to work out during the day or even in their free time which results in serious health problems.
In today's mechanical world, people are not getting any time to work out. Most people are sitting in one place only when they are working and the work they do is mentally draining. When they finish their work they get ti
Today, expert say older people were happire and healthier in the past because they did more exrcise and spend more time with their family and friends. However, recently many old people loneliness and health problems. Thi
Sometimes It is scary to lose you but I guess it must be so.Sometimes It is scary to lose you but I guess it must be so.Sometimes It is scary to lose you but I guess it must be so.Sometimes It is scary to lose you but I
We are living in a very fast-paced world as every day new things are getting discovered and the latest developments are being made in every field of study. This has resulted in a lot of competition among people and has p
People nowadays are forcing themselves into a comfort zone after completing their work and they fail to worry about their physical health. This could lead to many health problems. An adequate amount of exercise during th
A lot of individuals who work do not have time for training their bodies on weekdays and it causes problems with their health. This essay will discuss how poor work-life balance and picking up unsuitable workouts are the
In this technological era, apart from their working hours, many individuals do not get sufficient time to do physical exercise, which may ultimately lead to various medical issues such as Obesity, and Eye problems. In th
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