IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Obesity amongst children is a growing concern in today’s society. Health issues such as obesity, once predominantly seen in adults, are now increasingly affecting children. This essay will explor the causes of childhood
The children of the younger generation are now vulnerable to medical conditions which are most common among elder generation. One of the most affecting diseases is Obesity. In this essay, I will present the causes and po
Nowadays not only the adults suffer from obesity and being overweight but also, we witness the prevalence of this issue among young children. There are many reasons that lead to this issue and fortunately there will be v
Nowadays not only the adults suffer from obesity and being overweight but also we witness the prevalence of this issue among young children. There are many reasons lead to this issue and fortunately there will be various
Nowaday alot of children all over the world are suffering from several health desorders that once were relevant for adults only. A main of such illneses is an overweight. In this essay I'll try to explain my vision on he
Diseases that were thought to only be meant for older people are now happening for children, and obesity is a main disease for them. The causes of this phenomenon are because children are eating too many snacks and are a
In the last few years, there has been a faster growth in the percentage of people suffering from obesity, which affects the entire health system.
One of the most serious issues facing the majority of the world is a disease prevalent among new young, especially, The big reason is to eat unhealthy food, however, it can be solved by exercising and following by healt
Youngsters from this generation are sick with different illnesses that only were a problem for grown-ups. In this essay I will discuss the main causes and possible solutions to this problem.
The present younger generation leads to vulnerable medical conditions which were most common among the past adult generation. One of the highlights course is fatness.
Undoubtedly, it has been observed that children are suffered from obesity in today's world, which is common among adults only. This essay will discuss the reasons responsible for it as well as some remedial measures to m
In ancient days, people were used to eating healthy diets and exercising on a daily basis. In recent times teenagers have been suffering from obesity due to the lack of exercise and sports activities. This essay will
These days, children’s obesity rate is one of the critical problems all over the world. To improve children's quality of life, we must solve these problems together. This essay will attempt to identify causes we can face
Non-communicable diseases like obesity are increasingly common both in adults and children. I believe that there are many contributing factors to why it also affects children.
More children are prone to various health issues such as diabetes, and heart problems, but obesity is common among children not only in adults. The main causes of this problem are a sedentary lifestyle and fast food; the
Being obese was once only a condition that adults suffered from, but it is becoming more common in children. This essay will first discuss how fast food and a sedentary lifestyle are the primary causes of this growing pr
In this modern era, children, unfortunately, endure some ailments that they are known as adults such as being overweight. There are various reasons behind it. This illness originates from diet, sedentary lifestyle and ge
Nowadays, being overweight and even obese in childhood is nothing new, whereas rarely could this pressing problem which is widespread be found in the past. In this essay, two main roots of the problem including lifestyle
Being obese was once only a condition that adults suffered from, but it is becomming more common in children. This essay will first discuss how fast food and sedentary lifestyle are the primary causes of this growing pro
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