Modern society has seen a declined willingness of young people to have a baby. Distinguished from their parent and grandparent generation, they tend to postpone their plans for a kid. However, overall this phenomenon bri
The modern society has seen a declined willing of young people to have a baby. Distinguised from their parent and grandparent generation, they tend to postpone their plans for a kid. However, overall this phenominon brin
Deciding to have a child has become an important decision for many couples. In my opinion, this is mostly due to the financial issue and lack of responsibility which is a double-edged sword with both benefits and drawbac
My name is Justine Zanini, and I am writing to you because I would like a bridging visa B to visit my family from the 14th of June until the 28th of August.
In the contemporary era, modern individuals born their children in the 60 or above age group until they obtain a piece of knowledge regarding pregnancy and how to give childbirth a healthy youth. I personally believe t
In the current era, Many individuals are prone to give birth in their older age for various reasons. Personally, elderly people are not an appropriate age to have a baby so negative outcomes would outweigh advantages.
In the current era, Many individuals are prone to give birth in their older age for various reasons. Personally, If individuals are at an appropriate age to have a baby, negative outcomes would outweigh the advantages.
There is an increasing number of older people who want to have a baby in their later life. In this essay, some positive and negative views on that issue before conveying an opinion on that.
• In my opinion, these days it is a common problem. A lot of people think, what age the best for get married and to have children. More people prefer to have children later.
In this developed modern life, there are both pros and cons. Its just that if pros outweigh the cons, people started to accept it for example, cars. Despite of knowing all the disadvantages of the cars humans still choos
Nowadays, people tend to delay the time of having children more than in the past. The reason could relative to the perspective of social burden and financial problems, and I will discuss the disadvantage of this trend fr
Nowadays, women and even men want to have offspring after 30 years, it is too late if looked in the past, when people birth more early age. In that claim have as pros as cons that about I will write below.
In recent times, the majority of couples are opting to have children in the later part of their life. Some explanation for such situation is discussed before analyzing the impact on society and family life is given.
For years having a child had been viewed as the main purpose of marriage that needed to be achieved at last by the time the third wedding anniversary of a couple arrived but recently young population is taking a fresh lo
During the increase of modern life, it is possible to observe that the majority of couples nowadays have decided to prorogue the decision of having babies. From my point of view, career, social changes, the cost of educa
Over the last two or three decades, late marriage has been raising tremendously than ever before; as a result, parents and children have a huge ade difference. However, some think that a huge age difference between paren
Issues related to the age of pregnancy have been frequently discussed these days. There are more and more people who are determined to have kids after they turn 30 years old whereas others opine that giving birth at old
Certain audiences think, that a huge gap between the parents and the children is good as it has more benefits for an infant. However, some people believe there should be fewer life differences. In my perception, cons are
Nowadays youngsters know much more about stars and famous people than our prominent historical characters. Contributing factors to this issue are social media and traditional education methods. However, we can implement
In recent days, young married couples are now reluctant to have children when they are young and more likely to have them only when they are old rather than in the past. Generally, the positive and negative impacts conc