IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Recently, parents are likely to give more and more requiries to their childen on eduacation. There are many reason for parents doing this. In my opinion, giving too much responsibilities on children has both positive and
Many parents have a tendency to be careful about their children to become successful by putting pressure on them. so, this attitude originated from several reasons about children. in my opinion, I strongly believe that p
Nowadays, many parents put a lot of pressure on their children to be successful person in their lives. These iedas originated from parents opinion about having better gob in the future and having identity in the society.
these days children are facing severe pressure from their parents to become successful in life. In my opinion , this is a positive change, even though there are some drawbacks. In this essay, I will explore it.
these days children are facing severe pressure by their parents to become successful in life. In my opinion this is positive change, eventhough there is some drawbacks. In this essay, i will explore it.
In today's era, parents tend to put their children under a lot of pressure for success. Some people believe it is better for the children's future and others believe it will do more harms to the children. There are vario
In today's day and age, Numerous parents are putting an excessive amount of strain and pushing their kids to go beyond limits to secure careers in the time ahead. The main reason behind this is genuine concern for the we
One of the most prevalent trends in the contemporary world is the cumulative increase in pressure on students to make a better future. While many people argue that caretakers want their offspring to achieve goals for a
In contemporary society, an increasing number of parents are placing substantial pressure on their children to achieve success. This phenomenon can be attributed to various factors, and its implications are subject to de
The stress of achievement are being given to the young generation by their birthgivers. The tension of the achievements can impact to the young students good or bad affects. However, the burden of the progress are having
These days, kids are under the pressure of achieving success being forced by their parents as means of enhancing their parents' self-esteem. This has major negative effects on possibly leading them to feel severely depre
Nowadays many parents pressured on their youngth to be succeed in different aspects of their lives and they hard-working to achieve this. There are several reasons for this trend and I believe it world affect negative in
Nowaday many parents presured on their youngth to be succed in different aspects of their lives and they hard working to achieve this. There several reasons this trend and I believe it world affect negative in youngth li
In today's world, parents are focused on helping their children to succeed in different aspects of their lives and they are working hard to achieve this. There are several reasons behind this trend and I believe it would
It is argued that these days, parents put unacceptable pressure on their children to make sure that they will reach success in the near future. This essay will discuss the reasons for this issue and explain whether it
Offspring growing is unquestionably one of the most controversial topics of debate these days. Of course, it is significant for parents to raise a successful individual. However, I reckon that putting too much pressure o
In this modern world, parents always pressurise their kids to achieve success in every field. In my opinion, this is due to the rise in competition to secure lucrative jobs. However, it can lead to productive results for
It is certainly true that today many parents put a lot of pressure in their offspring in order to become successful. In my opinion, there are several reasons behind this perssure, I believe this trend can leads to detrim
Without putting the child under too much pressure he won't succeed in life and learn new things. This is the reason why parents nowadays put a lot of effort on their children. Therefore, this for sure is a positive thing
The more digitalization accelerates, the more people spend their time on smartphones, let alone young children. In my view, this trend is caused by the attractive content that smartphones provide, and it brings a negati
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