IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the contemporary world, technologies and social networking are becoming more and more developing day by day. In lots of fields, schools, in education systems, computers, and internet activities are used as a strong we
Many people strongly believe that the use of books in schools should be replaced with modern technologies such as films, computers and games. From my point of view, these materials are indispensable and they are the best
In today’s modern society, there have been several debates about whether schools should replace books by multimedia tools such as films, computers and games. In my opinion, I partly agree with this point of view.
According to the view of public figure lessons should be more fashionable. For example, during lesson digital materials such as games, films should be used instead of books. And in this essay it will be given my personal
The usage of movies, cyber devices, as well as games, during learning knowledge within group of students ought to be beneficial and effective out of books. I completely agree with it, that but although those brand new ap
It is widely trusted that schools should allow enlistment to learn from films, computers and games instead of bills. Personally, at the same time i can say agree and disagree since there are variety of reasons.
Film , computers and interesting games should be used at schools. Although movies, computers and enjoyable activities might be interesting, I agree that books are great sources of knowledge and information.
In the present epoch, some parents opine that movies and computerized games should be utilized in schools, and that books should be obsolete. I am a staunch believer that these materials are completely pivotal in additio
It is widely believed that schools should allow students to learn from films, computers and games instead of books. Personally, I can neither completely agree nor disagree with this statement for a variety of reasons.
Nowadays, the education system after the pandemic has changed some schools and universities have started using e-learning such as recorded sessions or virtual meetings by including smartphones and laptops, whereas othe
It is often argued about whether we should use technology in our school instead of printed books. From my point of view, I agree partly with this statement, I believe we should merge technology with books.
The methods which schools may implement for teaching pupils are of great debate. Although some assume that utilizing films, computers and games benefits students more in comparison with book-based education, I wholeheart
Nowadays some countries strive to implement new methods for schools instead of classic learning while, developed countries have begun studying by using computers and other advanced technology. I agree that schools ought
It is commonly believed that schools should use films, computers and games instead of books . I partly agree whit this opinion due to the reasons which will be discussed in the following paragraphs .
Various educational tools have been used at schools to teach students. Some groups argue that new ways of teaching, such as utilizing computers and games should be prioritized, and books are not as useful as them anymore
Instead of teaching with books, schools should use movies, games, laptops and other devices. I strongly agree with this statement because they would be able to store more data in one place and they would get entertained
Nowadays, institutes are using this technique to educate children through films, computers, and games instead of books. I agree with this statement because of this method students easily learn. In this essay, I will expl
First and foremost, if we look at the development of the surroundings, it will be seen that almost everything has evolved besides state schools. People try to ease the life by changing environment, schools need to be lis
Books have been an essential tool for students' education. However, there are other resources that can replace books like films, computers and games. From my perspective, these can be a perfect alternative to replace boo
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