IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is often argued that a number of people prefer to eat sugary product too much, more over a host of corperation produced food and drink products with numerous sugars. I would like to talk about the way of preventing co
It is an acknowledged fact that there are many excessive consumption of junk items which can constitute detrimental impacts on human health. One supposes that education can work as an orientation to give healthier lifest
In this day and age, research proves that the amount of fast food consumed is out of control, moreover, it can cause unhealthy situations and even diseases. When it comes to the solutions to this issue, there are two con
In modern society, it is true that comsuming fast food is becoming increasingly popular in many part of the world .While some people believe that educating people is the best method to solve it , others argue that there
Owing to the problem which nowadays more people are using too much fast food instead of individuals suggest the solution is edutating citizens. During this essay, the writer will discuss both view and will outline the ma
Researchers have different views about the prevention of consuming processed cuisine. While some people believe that it can be controlled through education, in my opinion, these setbacks can be curbed by the government i
Researches have different views about prevention of consuming processed food. While some people beleive that it can be controlled through education, in my opinion, this setbacks can be curb by government increasing the
Whether educating community about the effects of fast food on one's physical health like scientists have identified or using other efficient methods is a highly effective discussion point. However, from this prior experi
In the modern area, "fast food consumption" is being the buzzword of the day. Few among the mass believe that education sector forms the ideal solution to solve the given problem, whereas other oppose that academic tuiti
Presently, because of tedious and exhausting work or study, some people tend to overeat junk food instead of cooking healthy homemade dishes. This eating habit over a long period leads to some health problems, such as he
Presently, beacause of tedious and exhausting work or study, some people tend to overeat junk food instead of cooking healthy homemade dishes. This eating habit over a long period leads to some healthy problems, such as
Scientists hold a belief that individuals overconsume fast food and it is detrimental to folks' health Yet, this issue is thought to be tackled by educating Individuals, while others argue that education is not the best
Undeniably, junk food is harmful to people’s health. Some think that people could stop consuming them if they are well-educated, while others think this will not work. The writer leans towards the latter as these fast fo
Many individuals think that despite consuming fast food being harmful to their health, education can address this issue. However, there are persuasive arguments that it is not effective due to the affordability and conve
Many individuals think that despite cunsuming fast food is harmful their health, having educated can deal with this issue. However there are persuasive argument that it is not effective due to the affordable and conventn
Nowadays, researchers believe that the amount of fast food consumed is out of control, moreover, it can cause unhealthy situations and even diseases. When it comes to the solutions to this, there are two contrasting opin
many communities assume that this problem can be addressed by teaching the community while others question its practicality. Personally, this writer doubts the effectiveness of education in dealing with this issue.
It is true that consuming junk food excessively is damaged to people health. To solve this problem, educating people have been adressed as an effective solution, whereas others claimed this is an inappropriate approach.
It is believed that eating unhealthy food over a long period can harm the health. To solve this issue, people propose education as a method, meanwhile, others assuming that it will not be effective. Personally, I complet
Scientific research confirms that the majority of humans use a plenty of fast food and it is extremely harmful for their body. However, some individuals presume that education enables human to deal with this issue throug
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