IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Recently, there has been a phenomenon where children prefer to spend most of their time on their smartphones. Despite being considered a positive development to recognize the development of technology, it seems to me th
Some proportion of children population spend hours daily in their devices such as smartphones. Regarding this matter, to my point of view, this has a very negative development on the youngsters.
Nowadays, children spend hours everyday on their smartphones. Smartphones are the most used inventions nowadays, and every teenagres, even children have one. Children see smartphones as an important thing they need in th
in the contemporary era the use of technology is increasing not only in the adults but also in young generation too , which has so many reasons which i will discuss in the following paragraphs . I believe that it has a
Smartphones have become a popular toy for our young generation meanwhile, it has taken most of our children's time which creates a lot of concern. While some state that it has a positive effect, others argue that it has
With advancements in technology and the increased availability of mobile phones, some youngsters waste a lot of their time watching screens, which is not a healthy trend.There are numerous reasons for negative inclinatio
One of the most pungent issues these days relates to how young children deal with technology, specifically smartphones in this case. From my personal experiences, I believe that this problem is due to some causes like th
Over the past decade, monumental technological advancements have become the defining phenomenon on a global scale. Innovations led by scientists, particularly in the Internet and Technology (IT) sector, have given rise t
Massive technological developments turned out to become the biggest phenomenon happening on Earth this past decade. Innovation made by scientists, particularly in the Internet and Technology (IT) sector, has led to the e
Massive technological developments turned to become the biggest phenomenon happening on Earth this past decade. Innovation made by scientists, particularly in Internet and Technology (IT) sector, has led to the existence
nowadays children are more attractive of the smartphone. The children don't know what is the right or wrong. this reason spend everyday a lot of time spend. I think it is negative for development.
Many children take much time on their cellphones everyday. it is happens because their parents did not control them. Thats is a negative development which can impact their grow and become lazy.
Nowadays, technology has become inseparable from our lifestyles, impacting not only adults but also children. As a consequence, contemporary children often find themselves glued to smartphones for extended periods. This
In digital era, overused on smartphones has become inevitable problem due to contant-update features and apps. That affects some children spending too many hours on their gadget everyday. If that is the case, I think the
In the modern world, it is evident that technology has become crucial in our lives. Adolescents spend countless hours on their screens, both for knowledge acquisition and recreational purposes. From my perspective, this
It can be seen that a remarkable number of kids are spending a huge times, may be more than couple of hours on their smartphones. There are many reasons behind this situation. There are some positive developments though
With the advancement of the technology smartphone is a available source for everyone.People argued that some children spend a lot of time on their smartphones.I think that it is a negative development and disadvantages o
Nowadays, smartphones are the most practical and accessible means of communication. However, children use it as an entertainment device for many hours a day. I subscribe to the view that communication devices such as sma
It is true that a noticeable number of children tend to spend long hours on their phones. Although smartphones and technology can bring enjoyment and fun to children, I strongly believe that the cons of overusing smartph
Nowadays, there is no denying that adolescents use their mobile phones for a long period of time on a daily basis. This trend is phenomenal in many countries around the world. This behaviour contributes to many negative
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