IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The cease of overtime duties has been mandatory in several nations. According to me, it is a positive development, and this essay will further shed light on its valid points.
In modern society, there is a tendency that some nations have erected a law to restrict working hours. In this essay, I will discuss why it can be considered as progress.
The rule of working hours for workers has been introduced by several countries. Personally, I think this is a positive development for the working environment at the workplace because overwork impacts worker’s performanc
Working as an employee in the corporate world brings financial stability and plays a vital role in the life of every human being. Nowadays, some nations have implemented rules that restrict employees from working no more
Employees working long hours are generic in rival cities. Despite it can bring us many benefits, some countries have planned to limit working hours for their employees by law. This essay reveals the reason why the law
There are dramatically increased working hours in rival cities. People are requested to work overtime without extra incentives to reduce their living standards. Some countries would like to implement a law to ban long w
Work plays a vital role in every human's daily life due to its importance in financial security. Some laws are implemented by a few nations to reduce the staff's job hours. This will definitely have a good impact on so
Working long hours in offices may seriously affect people's health. It is clinically proven that sitting a lot of hours staring at the screen causes backaches and eyesight problems. Therefore, laws limiting working time
Many countries around the globe are implementing the policy of a limited duty period per week. This is because a majority of people work overtime to save more money. As a result, they are unable to maintain a healthy lif
This is undoubtable that in this modern era, people are doing more and more work in order to get extra pay.Here, the debate is that a new law is adopted by many nations to limit work hours as this can be benificial for h
Laws to limit working hours had been introduced for employees in some countries such as the USA, Canada and Australia with 40 hours per week. In my ,opinion it is a positive development and my inclination is elaborated i
Laws limiting the hours of work for employees are being enacted in a few countries. This essay will elucidate the reasons behind this implementation. In my opinion, this is a positive development that benefits both the e
In the contemporary epoch, the community do extra work to earn additional money in order to fulfil their needs. Few nations have introduced a law to cut down working hours for employees. There are several reasons to pass
In the contemporary epoch, the community do extra efforts to earn additional money in order to fulfil their needs. Few nations have introduced a law to cut down working hours for employees. The main reason for passing th
In the contemporary epoch, people do extra work to earn additional money in order to fulfil their needs. Few nations have introduced a law to cut down working hours for employees. There are several reasons to pass this l
Still, now there are lots of countries, who do not follow any time limitation rules for work. While it’s bringing many assets, employees also face some problems such as they are getting sick, and they cannot spend qualit
Several nations are establishing provisions and rules to eradicate more working hours. There are multifarious consequences of the creation of laws. In my perspective, it is positive progress but there are some loophole
People in some countries have a better quality of life because working hours are restricted. In the following paragraphs of this essay, I will describe the causes for it as well as the forms of development it is, as well
In several developing countries, the number of hours worked has risen dramatically. Employees have been driven to work harder and longer hours for no other reason than their pay. As a result, a number of countries have e
A number of nations have imposed a law restricting the number of hours employees can spend at work. This limit is made because of the declining health of office workers. Personally, I believe that this law is a beneficia
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