IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In some individuals' opinion making their own choices kids' everyday routine, like food, clothes and entertainment, can result in a selfish individual. However, other people have thoughts about the importance of childre
Nowadays, many believe that permitting children to make their own choices is a good decision. This leads to better decision-making skills for their future. However, others claim that if children made their own choices on
Nowadays because of many reasons such as hard situations in life it is a good idea to permit children to make their own choices. This lead to better decisions making outcome for their future. However others have an opini
Children's freedom about their choices has an integral part in children behaviour. It is, therefore, not surprising to see how it has caused a controversy among people about whether children should make their own decisio
A group of people believe that letting children choose what they want in something that they want like clothes, food and having fun would improve their selfishness. On the contrary, others think that it is essential to h
Nowadays, people tend to let their children make their own decisions on everyday activities. Some people believe that it affects them to become citizens that parents allow their children to make choices.
It is true that children face numerous choices on everyday matters on their own. Some people think that this phenomenon is much more effective as far as they make decisions to become more independent, others argue that i
It is true that children face numerous choices on everyday matters by their own. Some people think that this phenomenon is much effective as far as they make decisions to become more independent, others argue that it is
Beyond doubt, there have been many discussions revolving around the issue of whether a small number of people think that deciding children on everyday matters may lead to a person who lives only his wish, or others suppo
Decision making is a process that everyone learns with time and it is one of the best skills that one should possess. Some people believe that children should learn this from their childhood by making their own decisions
It is generally believed that it is crucial for kids to think about their own decisions on daily affairs. However, few individuals consider that it would create a society filled with egoist people, who only think about t
Nowadays, the debate about children's responsibility has controversial opinions. Some individuals think that kids who do not experience any restrictions about everyday matters can grow into egoistic and selfish people in
There is an argument that children should participate in their daily matters however, some others assume that it makes kids individuals who just care about themselves. In this essay, I will debate both points of view and
It is often argued that giving kids the freedom to make decisions for things that directly affect them is not a wise choice as it makes them more self-centred; however, others disagree and opine that it can help them to
In many countries, there is a debate about whether allowing children to make their own choices leads to selfish personalities, while others argue that the ability to make decisions is essential. Though allowing children
In many countries, some people think that allowing children to make their own choices results in a selfish personality, while others think that making decisions themselves is necessary. Although making up their minds bas
There is no doubt that, some parents think children must decide their own things in life, but I don't think so. Most of the time, kids need some advice from relatives or other people, also, most of the advice will help t
There is no doubt that, some partents think children must decide their own things in life, but I don't think so. Most of the time, kids need some advice from relatives or others people, also, most of the advice will help
A group of communities present the view that if offspring are able to opt for their daily necessities such as food, clothes and entertainment, they will be an arrogant and self-centred nation in the future. However, othe
A group of people present the view that if children are able to opt for their daily necessities such as food, clothes and entertainment, they will be arrogant and self-centred people in the future. However, others believ
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