IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Equal distribution of health care is widely believed to be the government's mission in that each citizen is accessible to adequate systems and medical programmes. I; however, disagree with this viewpoint because of the b
many are in favour that a person is himself responsible for his well-being and he should take care of it, such as by working out and eating all the good foodstuff,but others think those running the state should also take
It is debatable whether medicinal care and education should be the responsibility of the government, or not. Some people reckon that the authority should provide this welfare to their citizens, while others argue that th
It is often held that government, public health associations and even local medical representatives are responsible for citizens' well-being. While some people argue that these institutions are not fully responsible for
Health is a big topic for everyone in modern society. Some people believe that the government needs to monitor their citizens' diet as it is a part of their duty. However, I believe that this issue is entirely an individ
Nowadays, Many individuals argued that the education system and health care facilities are also responsible to the law-maker. While, the other side people trust all systems is responsible for themselves.
A healthy diet is the most essential element for an individual. Many people believe that a person's health is the responsibility of the government, whereas others say that a person is a core responsible for fitness conce
In this contemporary era, some proponents believe that they are responsible for themselves to keep a healthy lifestyle, while proponents discern another respective.Both views will be discussed before reaching a lucid con
In the contemporary epoch, the majority of people do not get even have important facilities such as healthy foods and education. Few people believe that it is the responsibility of the government to take duty for giving
Nowadays diet is something that completely defines individual’s mood and fitness. Some people assume that the government should fully control what is consumed by the citizens. Others think that every man should care for
In today's modern era, living a healthy life is vital to each individual. There are those who say that people should be responsible for their own health, yet others argued that the authorities have to give support and lo
In today's modern era, living a healthy life is vital to each individual. There are those who say that people should be responsible for their own health, yet others argued that the authorities have to give support and lo
In the contemporary epoch, there is irrefutable debate among folks regarding maintaining and taking care of their personal health and food habits. In this discourse, I am going to canvass the stated theme and elucidate c
In this era, education and health are the most important part for every individual. However, many believe that the government should pay for health care and education, while others think that it's a duty of an individual
There has been a controversy about whether the government should take the responsibility for health care ad education. I think individuals and the government should share the responsibility. My reasons will be explained
There has been controversy about whether the government should take the responsibility of protecting citizens' health care and education opportunities, and some specific individuals argue that it is responsible for their
These days, there are several viewpoints about the responsibility for people’s health and diet. One opinion is that individuals are responsible, while another opinion is that this is the duty of the government. This essa
Medical treatment is essential for everyone's life. However, there are two main opinions about the treatment whether government or themselves should take care of their own fitness. Personally, I agree up to a point that
Although some believe that health of citizens should be taken care by the government ,but many opine that its the person himself who is in charge of his or her own fitness. As both have their own aspects , I personally f
The precedence of physical health and a well-balanced diet which was always a hotly debatable topic has now become more controversial while copious peoples claim that it is an individual responsibility to maintain their
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