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there is a debate that The debate over whether professional athletes make good role models for young people is a complex and nuanced one, with valid arguments on both sides.
Nowadays, more individuals appreciate famous actors and successful athletes, considering them exemplary figures. In my opinion, an ideal role model should be someone who contributes positively to their community and nat
People have different views about whether non-amateur sportspeople inspire the young generation as positive role models or not. While the harmful behaviour of several sportspeople contributes to the negative outlook that
While some people argue that athletes serve as positive role models who are inspire youngsters to become better versions, others think that athletes' behaviour can effect negatively on their own lives. Personally, I tota
While some people argue that athletes serve as positive role models who are inspire youngsters to become better versions, others think that athletes behaviou can effect negatively on their own lives. However, I totally b
Practically, more people now appreciate some famous actors and successful athletes, whom they evaluate as their exemplify models. In my view, it is highly likely that an ideal figure should be an individual who generates
There are controversial perspectives heating up a debate over the heroine for teenagers. While some claim that professional sportsmen serve as positive idols for teenagers, the opposite holds a strong view that their beh
There are controversial perspectives heating up a debate over athletes. While some claim that expert athletes play a role as favorable role models for teenagers, the opposite makes a statement that their actions both on
In this competitive era, where people improve themselves to be on top of their field. One of them are professional athletes. They inspire young generation to become better in their field. While some people thinks thier b
It is argued that professional players have become optimistic role models for youngsters; however, the rest of people consider that their behaviours shown on the ground or in other places have a bad impact on young peopl
There are two controversial perspectives heating a debate over whether athletes are a good or bad example for youngsters to follow. In my opinion the athletic experts have some positive and negative effects on children.
One of the most discussed topic nowadays is can be a professional athlete become a role model for young people? However, theres we have no absolute agreement of any point of view.
Nowadays, some people believe that world-class athletes being an inspiration for younger generation whereas, others debate that their influence can create negative impact on the upcoming generation. However, I believe th
Nowadays, professional athletes play a pivotal role in influencing teenagers. This is the reason why many people argue that positive influences outweigh the negative ones. In the following paragraphs, both of these persp
There are so many influential people around us whom we consider our role models who inspire and motivate us . In the midst of change, people like to choose celebrities like actors , sportsman, singers and many more. the
Nowadays, a celebrity athletes become one of the most popular people in the world. They have influence on youngsters’ thoughts and opinion. This is lead to dilemma among the people and made two opinions about athletes in
It is commonly argued by people that world-class athletes make good role models for many youngsters whereas others opine that they do not make good role models. In this essay, I will delve into both views and express my
In comperorary epoch, a part of the society believe that professional athletes have positive effects on society as role models, while skeptics reckon that their behaviour can have negative effect on the mind of youngster
There is a belief that when professional athletes behave badly, whether on or off the court, it has a negative impact on young people's perceptions. However, I disagree with this point of view, as sports stars are exempl
A group of individuals consider athletes to a positive example for the youth while other claim that their behavior can lead to negative effects be it on the filed or not. While the pints by the latter group may have some
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