IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is believed by a segment of society that the reading and writing proficiency of those who are young and communicate with others using technology are influenced detrimentally. However, I tend to disagree with this no
Technology is important right now to use such as handphone and lectop for giving information, but there are problems disadvantage for society using that for example a person do no using kayboard to writing and reading .
We live in an age when many of us are surrounded by the latest technological devices. It is opined by a segment of society that increasing communication via social media platforms has had a destructive impact on the deme
In recent years, technology has become a significant part of life. Technology and technological inventions such as laptops, cell phones and so on have the biggest influence on young individuals. In my opinion, I complete
Nowadays people can’t live without computers and mobile phones, they are the most important technology we use in our daily life. We need them to communicate, to do research, and to work. We gather knowledge easier from s
Some people believe that the rising population of devices which are used for conversations among teenagers have a bad influence on their writing and reading skills. I completely disagree with this opinion, because comput
Some argue that nowadays modern technology is sharply increased it is negative influence on young generation reading and writing ability.In my opinion,I firmly agree these statement it is cause that children spend more t
There is no doubt, regular usage of computers and mobile phones has developed in recent years. While others believe that this improves the quality of life and does not have any drawbacks. I would strongly argue that it
It is considered by some individuals that the rate of increase in the usage of computing devices and smartphones by the youth as a means of communication is detrimental to their writing and reading abilities. In my opini
Reading and writing skills are decreasing these days. Some people think it is because of the increasing use of computers and mobile phones. I strongly agree with this opinion.
Reading and writing skills are decreasing in these days. Some people think it is because of increasing use of computers and mobile phones. I strongly agree with this opinion.
in today's modern world ,the rising consumption of digital devices is belived to affect people fine skills like writing and reading . i completly disagree with this and the following essay will illustrate further.
The use of laptops and smartphones in today's society is increasing so rapidly for purpose of communicate each other. It is believed that it had adverse affect on reading and writing skill of individuals. I partially su
Nowadays, technology has changed the way we used to communicate with each other. With the introduction of computers, handwritten messages and letters have disappeared. However, some communities believe that writing and r
Electronic devices such as computers and smart phones are increasingly accessible to young people. This gives rise to a concern : those devices brings no beneficial effect on youngsters. While I can understand those anxi
Plenty of people believe that there is a negative influence on the reading and writing skills of children when they use computers and mobile phones too much. In my opinion, I firmly agree with this statement, which cause
The Internet advances enable the wide usage of computers and mobile phones, particularly among the young. They spend more time on interpersonal communication through these technology devices. Some think that this may aff
Recent years witnessed rapid advancement in technology by making communication easier and this has made some people opine that the continuous use of computers and cellphones by youngsters as a means of communication will
Nowadays, some electronic devices, such a computers and mobile phones are widely used in the society. However, whether overuse of these devices will have negative effect on young people’s literacy skills remains a contro
The use of online communication has become incredibly popular among teenagers these days. Some individuals tend to believe that the upward trend in use of modern technology has had negative implications on young people’s
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