IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is sometimes argued that the punishments of a crime should not change for a known crime, and the penalties should remain stable for each type of crime, however, many people say this cannot be true and we should consid
It is an undeniable fact that punishment for crimes is always one of the fiery issues in our society. There is a debate on whether criminals should receive a standard sentence regardless of the situation or if the circum
In today’s rapidly evolving world, the controversy surrounds the issue of whether the crime motive should be considered for sentencing the offenders. Personally, I assume that the reasons behind the crime should be taken
From the dawn of civilization, Punishing a criminal person has been a matter of debate. In this respect, some experts argue that fixed punshiment should be used to every crimes, while others believe that every case has i
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is punishments for crime. It is undeniable that people there have to be fixed punishments for all type of crime has become an essential part of our life.However there is no ab
When talking about punishments for crimes, people’s opinions seem to be divergent on a such controversial topic. Some people believe that punishments should be fixed related to certain types of crimes, however, others, t
There are several people convinced that the punishments for each type of crime should be immutable, while many others believe that the situations and motivation should be included in factors of determining the way of pun
It is undeniable that some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime, however there is no absolute agreement on whether the circumstances of a crime, and the motivation for committing i
Many people are believing that there are be fixed pinalty for classification of crime. Another, society argued that it depend on the condition a person who has a crime . Then what causes them to do, it would be determina
Many people trust that there must be deal to give penalty for each clasification of crime. Another, society think that it depends on the condition a person who do a crime, Then what causes them to do, it would be determi
There are some argues about how a criminal should punishment. Some people claim that fixed punishment should consider for crimes, while others believe that, we should have flexible punishment according to the conditions
There are some argued about how a criminal should be punishment. Some people claimed that fixed punishment should consider for same crimes, while others believe that by individual, we should have flexible punishment acco
A group of people reckon that , there must be some stable punishments for each lawbreaking,while,on the other side some believe that the situation and the level of committment should be considered as well .Although each
There is a divisive opini in society, where some folks believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime, while others trust that the circumstances of an individual crime and the motivation for commit
The topic of whether each type of crime should be punished equally or individual circumstances should be considered is definitely a controversial one. This essay may examine both views, and I personally believe that puni
In today'society, the issue of whether the punishments should be fixed or based on their situation and their personality has sparked a degree of controversy among people. This essay will justify it with argumentation.
In contemporary era, crimes are occurring everydays. It is widely believed that evey criminal comitting the same crime should always receive the equal level of punishment while there is another view insisting that punish
In contemporay era, crimes are occuring everydays. It is widely believed that evey criminals comitting same crime should always receive the equal level of punishments while there is another view insisting that punishimen
A group of individuals thinks that there should be fixed law to penalize someone for any crime while others believe that punishment should be subjective. I believe that the punishment should be based on individual circu
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