IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people have a habit of buying things they actually don't need and can't afford at all. Few reasons are linked to this unhealthy behaviour indeed.
In recent years more and more people are getting into debt, the cardinal reason for this phenomenon is people purchasing stuff that is unnecessary or even unaffordable. In this ,essay I will be discussing the main reaso
It is undeniable that more and more people are getting into endless pits of debt as they buy items of unimportance and out of their affordability. There are several reasons for this alarming trend and various steps can b
In the concurrent world, a large number of people may purchase something that is unnecessarily, and buying so many things may make them have lots of debt and cannot tackle it. This essay is going to discuss the reasons
Some citizens are in debt by acquiering things they don't need or can pay. it is important to educate society in differentiate what are articles are considered as a primary necessity than what are not. This essay point o
There are many persons who can't control on their wishes due to greed and slowly slowly they are trapped in a net of unwanted wishes and they start to buying products unusually and by doing this on regular basis it leads
Personal debts tend to arise and build up as a result of purchasing unnecessary and unaffordable items. In my view, this problem is attributable to two factors and can be avoided if two measures are taken.
Nowadays, in a world where overconsumption has become a normal thing, some residents tend to purchase goods that are not needed and even take loans to buy them. This essay will first discuss the possible causes for this
There are few individuals who would compromise their budget by purchasing things they don't really require. In my opinion, the habit of buying unnecessarily items are driven by various factors. This essay will elaborate
The shopping for unnecessary and costly items have been growing in the modern era. This trend is backed by the materialistic thinking of the masses which is not a sign of developed society. The government and the public
Nowadays, there are many interesting things that we want to buy. There are some people who have not enough money and get into debt to be able to purchase those things. This essay will discuss about the reasons of this be
It is certainly the case that some people buy unnecessary things and things that are too expensive to afford, getting themselves into debt. In the following essay, I will discuss what cause people over shopping and the w
It is a fact that society has changed over the last decade from online platforms. As a result, the people prefer to spend their money to buy unnecessary goods and run into debt eventually. There are many causes for this
Nowadays, some people are imitate person who are look good in lifestyle ,so they buying a unessential things that make yourself look better. No-brainer people only care the sight of other human.
In recent times it’s easier to find people that, even though they are struggling financially or are already in debt, continue to spend money to buy things that are not necessary. If you analyse the reasons behind this ty
In recent times it’s easier to find people that, even though they are struggling financially or are already in debt, continue to spend money to buy thing that are not necessary. If you analyse the reasons behind this typ
Nowadays, people are becoming more consumptive, as they tend to buy the luxurious good that they do not necessarily need and debts are common among such people. This essay conveys the rationales behind this action and al
Over the last few years, because of economic growth, the concept of consumerist society is becoming more popular. It means that people buy much more than this is necessary for them. In this essay, I will explore the reas
Nowadays, there is an increase in the trend of owning money from banks in order to receive their desire, although they do not necessarily need it on a daily basis. This essay conveys the compelling reason for this action
In this day and age, a rising number of people are getting into debt as they purchase products that are exorbitant and not affordable. In this essay, the reason for this situation and some measures to address it will be
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