IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people believe that children's leisure time should be decided by their parents, while others believe that children should have the freedom to pick what activities they desire. This essay will examine both points of
One of the discussed issues nowadays is free time activities for children. Some believe that it will be better to give parents organize exercises for their children. Meanwhile, some think children need to choose what the
One of the discussed issues nowadays is free time activities for children. Some believe that it will be better to give parents organize exercises for their children. Meanwhile, some think children need to choose what the
The topic of organizing free time activities for children has sparked debate, with some arguing that parents should be responsible for planning such activities, while others believe that children should have the freedom
It is often held that free time activities have a significant influence on the life of the children. While some people argue that this activities that organized by parents are predominant in shaping's a child's behaviour
Some people opine that parent have to be resposible for leisure time activities of their children while other thinks that they have to choose what they want to do. I personally think that it is far beneficial letting the
A debate over deciding the activities of children in their free time should be taken by their parents or the children themselves is long been a subject of discussion. Some people believe that parents should organize thei
In this modern world, children have more spare time for doing something like playing games or reading books. Many people think that their parents have a responsibility to teach their kids how to spend their leisure time,
The best way for children to spend their free time has been a common topic in modern society. Some adults state that parents should carefully choose activities to be done by their kids. Others claim that it is important
Some individuals consider that free time activities should be organised by parents, while I strongly believe that children should be left alone by themselves to choose what they prefer to do in their leisure time.
There is a long-held conviction which states that guardians ought to arrange their children’s spare time activities. On the contrary, some people postulate that youngsters have the right to freely decide what activities
In the 21st century, it is noted that people have plenty of free time in their daily life. Parents prefer to spend it doing activities with their children that they choose. However, other parents think that the child sho
Childhood is a crucial period for health improvement as a person. Therefore adults are always worried about this phase, trying to figure out the best environment for kids. This way, some people believe that children shou
Childhood is a crucial period for a healthy improvement as a person. Therefore adults are always worried about this phase, trying to figure out the best environment for kids. This way, some people believe that children s
According to a few individuals, it is the parents resposibility to organize the leisure activities for their kids. While other think that children should be allowed to select what they want. This essay will elaborate bot
Various people are of the opinion that parents should make arrangements of what there children should do with there time,while others are of the opinion that children should be allowed to select what the want to do with
It is often claimed that children’s free time activities should be organized by their parents, while others believe that children should be able to choose their own activities. During their spare time, I believe children
Leisure time activities are imperative for children. There is one school of thought that perceive children should have a freedom to choose what they do in leisure time. While others think that parents should be in contro
The activities performed by toddlers in their leisure time are a great source to upgrade their non-academic skills. Therefore, it is often argued that who would be the best option to decide the hobbies of children when t
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