IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A highly controversial issue today relates to whether clothes reflect a individual's culture and character or not. In this essay, I am going to examine this question from both points of view and then explain why I disagr
In this modern era, a fashion lifestyle has become a trend recently times towards humans.However, some folks concur that it exposes the personality character and culture based upon the choice of dressing sense. In my opi
The importance of people's clothing style which was always debatable has now become more controversial with many people claiming that it is horses while others reject this notion. The substantial influence of this trend
Presently, a sizable group believes that appearance and flavour in fashion can provide plenty of information about individuals' cultures and tempers. In this essay, I give reasons and relevant examples of why I concur wi
A person's choice of clothes can have different intentions and motivations about how they want to get dressed up. A group of people think that this choice reflects their own cultural values and characteristics, whereas t
We should never judge a book by its cover, and this quote applies to humans as well. Some people believe that a person's clothing style, can say a lot about their culture as well as their character. I would completely di
There is the opinion that our choice of clothes may tell a lot about our culture and even our character. I completely disagree with the thought that exist strict links between your culture and your clothes. Although, I a
In modern ,society a vast variety of fashionable clothes can be seen in each and every kind of cloth shop around the world. Some people believe that a person's culture can be judged by their dress. I totally disagree wi
There are a split opinions about wether the attires could provide un information about the person' nationality and his/her character.I completely disagree with this statement and in the following paragraphs i will justy
Time and again, it has been seen how people form quick judgments based on how one looks and especially the clothes one wears. Some people hold it that one can be easily assessed by their clothes while some say that it is
Most people agree that we can infer a lot from one person on how they dress . Personally, I believe that people signal a lot, such as their character and culture, by their choice of clothing. I feel this way for two rea
Since ages preference towards a particular piece of clothing or style is dependent on various factors such as tradition, culture, safety ,and many more.Therefore, the masses opine that a choice of clothing depicts a pers
In the modern world, fashion designs apply a crucial role in society. Certain individuals argue that it is practicable to notify a lot about human ways and personalities from their selection of costumes and others despi
Nowadays, the public generally assumes a person's character based on their choice of clothes. In the discussion, I want to share my views on that.
In today’s ever-changing society,fashion has become a huge part of this generation’s lifestyle.While many argue that is it easy to ascertain someone’s background and beliefs from the way they dress,others contradict this
Some individuals argued that dresses indicate the human personality.In order to get information about ,culture it is enough to look at a person's style of clothing.I partially disagree with this statement.
World is divided in large different culture and traditions. These days public debate has been going on possible to judge about a person culture and characteristic from their sense of dressing. In this essay, I will expla
The fashion trends are changing over the years. Some argued that we can able to predict the traditions and behaviour from the dress selections of the person. I completely disagree with this statement regarding the fact t
There is no doubt that an individual’s clothes can affect the first impressions about his personality traits and cultural background. Although many people believe that somebody’s character and culture can be predicted by
It is argued by some people that it is plausible to tell much about the character and culture of individuals from the clothes they wear. I totally agree with this statement because traditional clothes represent their cul
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