IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, there are various activities that students can do in their leisure time. However, some groups believe that parents should encourage their kids to involve in organization agenda. While, others think it is paramo
There is a group of parents who believe that children should participate in group activities such as discussions and studies while there are some other parents who are of the view that their offspring should focus on thi
Today, many parents enroll their children in various courses or organized group classes. While others give their children the freedom to decide for themselves what they want to do. This essay will explore both points of
Some folks claim that children should be encouraged to do group games and activities in their leisure time, while others believe that children should learn how to enjoy their loneliness and try to occupy themselves on th
Whether little ones should be full freedom to spend their time free time as per their wish is a topic of debate among our society and some people believe that parents should be responsible for planning their activities a
It is believed that children should be encouraged to take part in team activities by their parents since it gives opportunity to interact with others even though others think that this might create difficulties for both
Some people argue juveniles should be able to keep themselves busy because this situation promotes their cognitive development. Meanwhile, the rest believe that children should have more group interactions in their leisu
A set of people believe that children should participate in collective group activities in their leisure time and parents encourage them to do so. However, some individuals think that juveniles should learn to carry them
Children will become adults in the future, and they need to be properly educated and taken care by their parents. Some people believe that kids should spend leisure time doing activities with others to develop socializat
It is known that every family growing to their chilren different type. Some parents want their children join to organised group activities others are not. this essay will explain both organized class activities and free
İt is known that every family growing to their chilren diffirent type. Some parents want to their chilren join to organazed group activiteis others are not. this essay will expline both organized group activities and f
"Encouraged to have a group of entertainment activities is necessary for children in their free time" some people believe.But some parents like their children to spend more time with their own.In my opinion , giving chil
In this contemporary society the issue of child activities in leisure time has become a matter of considerable debate. There are those who opine that, parents should motivate their children to attend group activities in
Although a few people express their opinion that parents should motivate their offspring to take participation in an organized team activities, self occupying is a crucial thing for children to learn. This essay will dis
There is a common argument as to how youngsters should spend their spare time. Whilst one group opines partaking in organized group activities should be the norm, others suggest spending time with self should be encourag
Nowadays, all over the world, the topic of how parents should educate and encourage their heir is omnipresent. While some community think the influence of taking part in organised group activities in their free time exis
Time is precious, therefore, it shall be occupied in the most productive fashion. This is crucial for children, to have the maximum benefit of their childhood. A segment of the general public believes children should be
Fewer are in favour of encouraging the children to be involved in various group activities by their parents While others believe that they should learn, the skill of utilisation of their own time, by themselves. Hence, w
Nowadays, youngster spends their free time doing various activities. There is a conflict between folks that kids should spend their leisure time joining a group activity, while others say that the children should try to
In contemporary society, the parenting education method plays a vital role in children's life. Some argue that providing more extracurricular opportunities will be beneficial to a junior's development. However, some peop
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