IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is sometimes argued that parents should arrange for kids’ spare time activities through their mature consciousness and experiences. I would argue that it is better to allow their children to choose their free time act
It is sometimes argued that parents ought to be instructed for kids spare time activities through their mature consiousness and experiences. While, others opinion asserts that children should have their responsibility o
Some people argue juveniles should be able to keep themselves busy because this situation promotes their cognitive development. Meanwhile, the rest believe that children should have more group interactions in their leisu
How children spend their free time will have an incredible impact on children's development in the future. While some people believe that children should be given sufficient free time for their own management, others put
Some people believe that children's leisure time should be decided by their parents, while others believe that children should have the freedom to pick what activities they desire. This essay will examine both points of
One of the discussed issues nowadays is free time activities for children. Some believe that it will be better to give parents organize exercises for their children. Meanwhile, some think children need to choose what the
One of the discussed issues nowadays is free time activities for children. Some believe that it will be better to give parents organize exercises for their children. Meanwhile, some think children need to choose what the
The topic of organizing free time activities for children has sparked debate, with some arguing that parents should be responsible for planning such activities, while others believe that children should have the freedom
A set of people believe that children should participate in collective group activities in their leisure time and parents encourage them to do so. However, some individuals think that juveniles should learn to carry them
Children will become adults in the future, and they need to be properly educated and taken care by their parents. Some people believe that kids should spend leisure time doing activities with others to develop socializat
It is often held that free time activities have a significant influence on the life of the children. While some people argue that this activities that organized by parents are predominant in shaping's a child's behaviour
It is known that every family growing to their chilren different type. Some parents want their children join to organised group activities others are not. this essay will explain both organized class activities and free
İt is known that every family growing to their chilren diffirent type. Some parents want to their chilren join to organazed group activiteis others are not. this essay will expline both organized group activities and f
"Encouraged to have a group of entertainment activities is necessary for children in their free time" some people believe.But some parents like their children to spend more time with their own.In my opinion , giving chil
In this contemporary society the issue of child activities in leisure time has become a matter of considerable debate. There are those who opine that, parents should motivate their children to attend group activities in
Although a few people express their opinion that parents should motivate their offspring to take participation in an organized team activities, self occupying is a crucial thing for children to learn. This essay will dis
Some people opine that parent have to be resposible for leisure time activities of their children while other thinks that they have to choose what they want to do. I personally think that it is far beneficial letting the
The topic of how to organize children's free time activities has gained significant attention from the public. Some contend that parents should be responsible for organizing youngsters' pastimes, whereas others argue tha
There is a common argument as to how youngsters should spend their spare time. Whilst one group opines partaking in organized group activities should be the norm, others suggest spending time with self should be encourag
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