IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people believe that international news need to be added as major subject at school for teenagers. While other say that, it is fruitless and frittering away vital time. This essay will discuss both these points of vi
Proponents argue that an education must be focused on giving the knowledge about mainstream topics that are going to be an important element for the careers of students whereas opponents believe in grasping the extra-cur
In an international age, some people have believed that multinational news should be a subject for students who study in secondary schools. And yet other adults have thought that students should spend more time on their
In an international age, some people have believed that the multinational news should be a subject for students who study in secondary schools. And yet other adults have thought that students should spend more time on th
Studying international news for teenagers is an essential academic subject. Some argue that the valuable time used for this study is waste and can use the limited time for other necessities. In this essay, the editor she
People have differing views with regard to the question of how necessary for students to study art subjects. While some argue that students just need to study academic subjects, I believe other subjects including music a
What young people should study at school has long been the subject of intense debate and this is a question that certainly does not have one correct answer. While I agree with the first half of the statement that schools
In contemporary society,what kind of courses need to be taught in secondary school is always a hot topic.Some citizens think studying international news is necessary and should be considered as a subject,while others hol
Teaching subjects is an important issue to discuss as it affects the future of our youngsters. The process of subject selection is challenging as many authorities get confused whether to choose academic literature or to
Many people advocate that teaching should be more focused on academic subjects, but others believe that schools should concentrate on art or games. Academics, in my opinion, assist in landing a good job, however, artist
While some people think that institutes need to focus on students' study materials which are necessary for their bright and successful careers, I believe sports and music are also important to relax and enhance their cre
Is argued that foreign matters should be included in the learning course of high school students, while others object that time spent is being wasted. This essay will discuss both views and outline my own opinions.
currently, in many countries, students at school not only learn academic subjects such as mathematics, physics, biology, etc. but they also study additional subjects like music and sports as well. Some parents agree with
According to some, students should be thought academic subjects during school which will be beneficial for their future careers on the contrary, other people notion that sports and music should be included in their studi
Nowadays, people are of the opinion that the children of higher classes should have knowledge about what’s happening in the world while some are of the thought that it’s not that beneficial. Knowing about worldwide news
It is an issue of hot debate whether pupils of secondary school ought to learn about global updates as one of their curricula or is spoiling their precious time. As far as I am concerned I am in the favour of former noti
In the recent times, social networking has effected people in such a way that everyone can get access to any information and know the newest news. Many individuals believe that puple in secondary schools should be studie
The curriculum for secondary education often needs updating to equip students with the skills necessary to adapt to society. While some people propose adding international news as a subject in school, others express the
Over recent years, more and more we have been able to obtain information from other countries with globalization and arguments have persisted as to whether students should be exposed to a foreign cultures to introduce t
According to me, in secondary school a students should study international news as one of their subjects. Studying abroad news has both sides good as well as bad. It is nice if a student like news a school should not foc
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