IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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People have two opinion about increasing works furthermore cultural contact between countries. Numerous people seems to them it is a positive development. Nevertheless, other people thinks that assist to loss of national
In recent years, international business and cultural contact has been quite common due to the convenience brought by the development of airline and internet industries. However, people hold different views about its effe
One school of thought holds that increasing contact on a global scale could bring about positive effects on one’s nation's development, whereas others believe that this trend could put national identity in jeopardy. This
Whether increasing connections between nations in the contemporary era will boot the economic growth or cause the loss of culture bear some considerations . The writer of this essay claims even though this may lead to yo
It is under discussion by a few people that the rise in the trading system and cultural link between different countries brings beneficial impact on societies and nations. Whereas, others are against this view and say th
In recent days, we are living in the fast-paced world, where people are not connected only with at national level, they are join at global level. Some community members rely that rapid connectivity on the basis of econ
Nowadays.some people said that the increasing of business and culture contact between countries is good others think that many countries will lose thier national identity as a effect in this essay I will discuss both vie
The world today is characterized by the free flow of information and commodity. The frequent interaction and growing interdependence among countries have ended the days of regional isolation and absolute national soverei
Globalization has been increasing for 5 years . Some folks think that the interrelation between countries in business and culture is a positive development . Although , others argued that in this situation countries may
There is no doubt that these days countries are increasing their trade and cultural connections. Some believe that it is a positive thing while others disagree with this idea. In this essay, I will discuss both points of
In the modern era , people can make a bond with other country masses with the help of phones . Few individuals think that inclining businesses and cultural contacts between nations is a positive growth , however others
People have different opinions when thinking about international business and cultural contacts. While some are afraid of losing their national identities when increasing cooperation in business and culture between count
Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly common that more people are likely to raise economics or even support cultural contact between society as a beneficial development. This trend has caused some controversial opinions
A group of people state that, because of the growth in communication and international summits, countries will face a decline in cultural importance. Others, however, believe that it is a positive development. At this po
In contemporary world, globalization is a worldwide tendency. Although some individuals’ reliance on the merits of this, others are skeptical about it. I will examine both sides before the final conclusion is drawn. O
In this day and age, it is universal truth that commercial and cutural interaction has an inseperable relationship with the growth of any aspects of each country. However, whether developing it has always been a topic of
Increasing globalization is making the world and its borders shrink, which is leading to multicultural awareness and sharing of resources. Many people believe that this rise of financial and cultural engagement among nat
It would be argued by some that a growing international businesses and cultural exchanges can bring benefits. From my perspective, this phenomenon can cause the national specialities of many countries to be assimilated.
The development of globalization has boosted economic cooperation and cultural exchange between countries. Following that, many positive benefits are created. Nevertheless, other people disagree because they think that t
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