IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In modern society, there is an ongoing debate about whether parents should choose leisure time activities for their children or not, with some people believing that children have to choose their own free time activities.
In this contemporary epoch, a certain number of individuals believe that group activities should be part a vital part of their kid's life while others say that it is essential for teenagers to learn how to spend their ti
Part of people believe that parents should teach their children to participate in activities, which involve multiple children and others think children should learn to enjoy their own company by getting involved in act
Part of people believe that parents should teach their children to participate in the activities, which involve multiple children and others think children should learn to enjoy their own company by getting involve in su
In our contemporary era, it is acknowledged by some people that children's spare time activities should be managed by adults, while others argue that they need to have the freedom to choose themselves what to do. In my o
Many individuals think that the best effective way to connect between pupils by playing team activities at school. While I accept that this perspective is justifiable, I assert that there are some other factors that are
In recent times, some people believe that parents should encourage their children to take time with groups in their free time. However, others say that it is essential for children to learn how to occupy themselves on th
Some people believe that the government should focus its resources on encouraging the development of sports and art for school students, rather than supporting professional sports and art events. In my opinion, while bot
Organizing with other people is unarguably one of the most necessary skills to obtain from the early childhood. The skill itself can be obtained through various ways, such as joining group activities in free time. Yet, o
With an ever-increasing concern about how to handle the boundaries between free will and guidance on children, some individuals have opined that free-time activities for children should be guided by parents. The rest of
Whether encouraging children to attend group extracurricula during their leisure time, or to learn to cope with problems on their own is a heated debate. It is the writer’s opinion that having group activities throughout
It is thought by some people that children should be motivated by their parents to participate in organised group activities in their leisure time, while others disagree, stating that youngsters have to make their own de
There are conflicting outlooks regarding whether parents should stimulate their children to join team activities or keep occupy themselves in their free time. This essay will explore the positive and negative sides and w
A number of individuals believe that adults need to involve their children to participate in group iniciatives, while other consider that young must be able to entertain themselves. This essay completely agrees with the
In today's society, the issue of whether children should be arranged by their parents or not has sparked a degree of controversy among people. Although the parents' organization of the children's activities in leisure ti
It is said that parents should motivate their children to participate in group programmes during their spare time, while others have the opinion that children should know how to keep themselves occupied. If children are
It is said that parents should motivate their chidren to participate in group programmes during their spare time, while others have the opinion that children should know how to make themselves occupied. If children are a
Spare time activities for children play a crucial role in their lives. While chosen by parents, these activities can help children accomplish the right tasks, activities that are chosen by children will make them more de
While people say that we as parents should guide our children to engage in any of the societal activity in their leisure time, however some force the kids to be involved in a work activity which might be helpful for them
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