IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today's business world, firms often establish dress codes to enhance their professional image. While some argue that employees should have the freedom to dress as they wish, believing it does not impact work performan
Nowadays, there is a common belief that companies tend to ignore the employee appereance. In order to create good employee, the only aspect that business consider when they score their employee is quality of work. Unfort
Nowadays, some people think that employers should not care about the way their employees dress, because what matters is the quality of their work. But in my opinion, I think employers should care about the way their empl
It has been a prevalent discussion in the realm of the workplace regarding whether employers ought to care about the dress code of the staff or just solely focus on the output quality. From my point of view, I partly agr
It is often argued that the dress code of employees is not necessary, it is simply because it does not affect the quality of their production. In my point of view, I agree with this opinion, however, it does not also sho
It is often argued that the dress code of employees is not necessary, it is simply because it does not affect the quality of their production. In my point of view, I agree with this opinion, however, it does not also sho
It is argued that employees should be forced to comply with a specific dress code or it is their outcome that matters. Personally, while I agree that the way of dressing should be considered as an irrelevant factor in ma
In recent times, several people have had conflicts about whether employers have to obey the dress principles in office or whether the productivity of work is their priority. I strongly believe that people should concentr
In recent times, several people have had conflicts about whether employers have to obey the dress principles in office or the productivity of work is their priority. I strongly believe that people should concentrate on t
There is an opinion that employers should not overly concern themselves with what their employees wear, as their quality of work should be the primary focus. I wholeheartedly agree with this viewpoint, and this essay wil
These days, various offices are promulgating regulations that require their employees to be clothed in a certain way. Many people stated that what truly matters is the productivity of their work and organizations should
In this modern workplace, the trend of dress codes is changing as employers focus more on results than rules that employees must follow. Although I agree that people should dress formally in some professional settings, t
There is a controversial perspective heating up a debate over that it is not essential for employers to take how their employees dress into consideration since job productivity is the major final aim. I partially uphold
Nowadays, people feel that employees' attire at work is not important, and employers should pay more attention to their job content. I partially agree with this viewpoint, and I also believe that for certain jobs, standa
The concepts of high-performing electric vehicles, introduced with other electrical vehicles, will carry on LFA legacy, albeit with battery and several electric motors. These are just one of the many electric cars of the
While some individuals feel that the quality of an employee’s work is more important than how they dress to work, some people think otherwise. Personally, I believe that an employee's appearance is just as vital as the q
Various controversies have emerged as to whether dress code or uniforms were essential to the employees. It has been commonly claimed that productivity should be the scale of measuring one's quality of work. I concur wit
Nowadays, some people feel that the way employees dress to work does not really matter and that employers should focus more on the content of their work. I strongly disagree with this statement, and in this essay, I will
Nowadays, there is a growing opinion that the company should not impose standards of dress on their employees. Some find this beneficial for the employees. While this may be popular among employees, introducing a dress c
Nowadays, there is a growing opinion that the company should not rule their employees’ outfit standards. Some found this beneficial for the employees. Nevertheless, setting a standardized attire might bring more benefits
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