IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Most people argue that employers should focus more on the quality of work and not on the dress code of employees. I partially agree with this view and thinks the workers' uniform should be appropriate based on their work
Many people argue that companies should focus on their employee’s performance for achieving tasks rather than noticing the way they dress. Does an employee's dressing really matter for identifying his work quality? I do
It is often argued that employers consider wearing work uniform is far important than the the performance of their workers. In my opinion, I believe that the dress code is only applicable to certain proffessions while it
It is often argued that employers consider wearing work uniform is more important than the the performance of their workers. In my opinion, I believe that the dress code is only applicable to certain proffessions while i
Some people believe that it is no need for the manager to care about their worker’s clothes because the most important things are their work quality. I think that it depends on the type of job.
Dressing in the workplace is depended on organizations policies and sometimes may be considered as a rule, especially in government organizations. It does not mean the quality of employees work is not important. But gene
In recent years, opinions have been divided as to whether employers should tell their staff how to dress or not since it does not directly influence work productivity. Although the dress code of employees is not vitally
In the modern society, people’s work clothes have attracted much concern.Some people hold the view that the style of the staff should not be paid attention to by the manager on the grounds that the result is of importanc
In the modern society, people’s work clothes have attracted much concern.Some people hold the view that the style of the staff should not be paid attention to by the manager on the grounds that the work productivity is o
In the modern workplace, dress codes changing as employers focus more on results than on the rules that employees must follow. While I agree that imposed dress codes are unnecessary and meaningless in many work areas, I
It is often said that the uniform of the workers should not be taken in the priorities of any corporation as the quality of the work is not dependent on what the employees wear. I partly go with this view for some reason
While some argue that setting a dress code at work is not significant since it does not directly influence work productivity, creating a dress code policy, in my opinion, is to an extent beneficial not only to employees,
In the modern workplace, dress codes are changing as employers focus more on results than on the rules that employees must follow. While I agree that the way people dress should be seen as irrelevant in many work context
Nowadays people feel that the way employees dress to work does not really matter and that employers should focus more on the content of their work. I partly agree with this view, as I believe that the quality of work is
In contemporary society, the dress code at work is not significant since it does not directly influence work productivity. Some argue that uniform is not less important for employees because of the quality of their work
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