IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Climate change represents a major threat to life on Earth, but some people argue that we need to accept it rather than try to stop it. I entirely disagree with this opinion, because I believe that we still have the time
In the age of industrialization and modernization, we are now causing a lot of damage to the environment, which results in a multitude of consequences that we have to put up with. However, it is believed that we need to
⇒ The question of how to facing with climate change has become a matter of debate in recent years. Many people said that we have to find a method to deal with this situation in place of preventing it. I strongly disagree
In this new generation, people believe that we are experiencing changes in our weather. Is there any chance that we can prevent it or just go live with it? In this essay, I will discuss that we can still find a solution
Some people believe that we could live in an unpredictable environment that results from global warming, whereas others argue that we should find a way to prevent climate change. I totally agree with the latter statement
Some people believe that we could live in an unpredictable environment which resulted from a global warming, whereas others argue that we should find a way to prevent climate change. I totally agree with the later statem
Nowadays, climate change is a popular topic among countries. It is often argued that people should be conscious of the climate change issue. Some people think we have not solved this problem. I totally disagree with thi
Nowadays, climate change is a popular topic among the countries. It is often argued that people should be conscious about the climate change issue. Some people think we have not solved this problem. I totally disagree w
Nowadays, there are mixed opinions about climate change. A faction of people think that we should embrace it, and find a way to adjust alongside it. Throughout this essay, I will explain my disagreement with this viewpoi
Today, no one will deny the importance of protecting the environment. Most scientists agree that global warming presents the greatest threat to the environment.
Some people believe that we should learn to how to live in the environment that climate is changing rather than preventing it. However, I totally disagree with this view.
Nowadays, there is no doubt that people are becoming more aware of global warming and its consequences. However, some people belive that rather stoping or being more cautious about climate change, we opt to find a suitab
These days, there is an ongoing debate about people should adapt themselves to live with climate change. It is possible to claim that finding ways to prevent this problem is the better way humans should it conduct. I tot
Nowadays, environmental problems and climate change are the most popular topics for all generations. Some people believe that preventing climate change is not possible for societies. Therefore, they only encourage citize
Certain groups of people believe that rather than mitigating the climate crisis we should accept it. I extremely disagree with this statement because there is still a solution to this problem and it’s not too late to tac
Nowadays, some people are of the opinion that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. I am totally in support of this decision to find a way to maintain an equilibrium with our climat
Climate change is a usual process that exists in the ecosystem. Many experts opine that people should find a way to live this utilitarian process rather than preventing it. Personally, I am in consummate disaccord with t
At present, every individual has their own choice of living style. Some people believe instead of eliminating changes in the climate, they are adjusting to stay with it. In my opinion, I completely disagree with the topi
Climate change represents one of the greatest dangers which human societies are facing these days. However, the opponents believe the man should acquire skills to stay with it. In the present essay, I will try to explain
It has been pointed out that the environment of earth is getting worse and worse. A group of crowd believe that rather than making any efforts to improve our environment, we should simply accept it and find a way to live
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