IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In modern times, socializing with colleagues plays an essential role in our life, and it takes us more and more time. Some people believe that it is ordinary to spend time with colleagues in the evenings and on weekends,
We live in an age when many of us often go to after-shift parties with workmates. While others tend to keep their office and social life compartmentalized. It is a hotly-debated topic that often divides opinion. I firmly
Nowadays , some people prefer being in contact with their colleagues in their leisure time instead of trying to make new friends outside their workplace. In my opinion , this is a good trend , and in the following paragr
Work is an important part of our daily lives. We work 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week, so it takes a third of our life to spend in work place, and because of this we see our colleagues every day, like a second family.
It has always been a debatable topic for people in general and employees in particular whether it is better to hang out with office colleagues or keep your work life stay away from socializing. I hold the view that the f
Some humans believe that it is a good opinion to have a relationship with their colleagues after work time , while , others believe that they should not communicate with their coworkers in their social life and it is ver
Some are saying that it is a good thing if you are socialising with your colleagues outside of your working hours. while others argue that keeping private life private is the way to go forward, although socialising with
People have split decisions over socialising with colleagues while a few are thinking during evenings and weekends, it is necessary to meet while others go otherwise, even though having social meetings with staff members
A certain segment of individuals believes that socializing with workplace friends benefits you, while others prefer to compartmentalize job and personal life. In my opinion, I believe it is good to have extended relatio
A certain segment of individuals believes that socializing with office friends benefits you, while others prefer to compartmentalize office work and their personal lives. In my opinion, I believe it is good to have a str
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