IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today's world, some people believe that the Olympic Games help bring nations together. However, others think that the money used for the Olympics could be better spent on other things. This essay will discuss both vie
whether countries should spend funds on Olympics games for building international relationships or not is a controversial discussion topic. This writer argues that Olympic games are vital to the world due to their benefi
It is argued that many people believe that it costs a huge amount of money to the Olympic games that bring other countries together. Others say money should be spent on agency problems. The writer of this essay strongly
In modern times, It is a common belief that the Olympic Match is one of the events that can bridge the relationship gap with distinctive countries. Nevertheless, Some people think that this event is the cause of waste o
In today's world, some people believe that the Olympic Games help bring nations together. However, others think that the money used for the Olympics could be better spent on other things. This essay will discuss both vie
Nowadays, many believe that taking part in interesting Olympic events is a good way to encourage many different countries's connections. However, some state that the government should invest in other primary purposes ins
In today modern’s age, the Olympic events can be understood as an entertaining form in order to bridge the gap between different nations. However, there are others who hold the opposite that the investment is too waste t
In today modern’s age, the Olympic games can be understood as an entertaining form in order to bridge the gap between different nations. However, there are others who hold the opposite that the investment is too wasting
The Olympic Games stand as a globally recognized event, drawing enthusiastic participation from diverse nations worldwide and fostering a sense of unity among societies and individuals, according to some proponents. Conv
The past few decades have seen an evergrowing discussion about the Olympic games, whether it is beneficial or not. Some crowd argue that they can bring people together, however, others assume that it is a waste of money,
Often peoplage feel that the Olympics came is taking advantage of peoples finances and is a waste of time, which I totally disagree with. It may suggested that this a recreational event, is overly priced. Although debate
These days, there are debates between people about why governments should set up international competitions like the Olympic Games and some people think it is so important because I met different nations thanks to it. ,
People have differing views with regard to the question of how the Olympic Games impact people's lives. While some argue this is just a place for people to waste money, I believe the Olympic Games is an event that contri
On the question of whether the Olympic games bring countries together or merely a waste of time and money people are divided. Some individuals believe organizing these games requires a lot of revenue which can be used fo
The question of whether the Olympic Games actually bring cohesion has sparked heated debate. Proponents claim that competition between different nations fundamentally enhances national unity. While some argue that it is
Olympic Games is a major international multi-sport game that is normally held once in four years. Countries that wanted to have this game to be held in their place need to have the permission of the board which takes a p
The Olympics is considered the leading international sporting event, with thousands of athletes worldwide taking part. While some may question the role of the game, claiming that it is a waste of money, I believe that we
The Olympic Games and other equivalent worldwide events have long played a crucial role in bringing people worldwide together. There is a general concern in the public that such large-scale events are not worth the amoun
It is asserted by few that international programmes such as the Olympic games are crucial and help to enhance the relationship between other countries but there is a strong counter-argument amongst sections of people tha
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