IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is asserted by few that international programmes such as the Olympic games are crucial and help to enhance the relationship between other countries but there is a strong counter-argument amongst sections of people tha
People have differing views about the netted impacts of those events staged for people around the world such as the Olympic Games. In my view, I think the advantages of hosting such events outweigh the disadvantages.
The main purpose of games is that it is meant to be played together and to have fun in. Olympic Games is an event where different champions over the world come to compete for their Olympic medals and their name nationwid
There are two perspectives. One who believes that global events like the Olympic Games are important and they help bring countries as a whole but the counterpart thinks that it's a waste of money, besides this can be uti
Olympic games have been a great part of the sports culture around the world. The games started in Athens with an effort of bringing the countries together and celebrate sport in a spectacular way. Although some people th
Many people opine that sporting events among different nations are imperative to reduce tensions between nations while others believe that these events are a waste of energy and resources. In this essay, I would delve in
Nowadays, thanks to some events, there is a strong bond between countries. One of these activities is international events. Although some people believe that joining these events is very beneficial for countries, other
The concept that nations are united together through the Olympic games is debatable. Some people are of the opinion that the tournament is a waste of money rather than bringing the countries together.This essay will dis
Nowadays, sports events have gained popularity throughout the world as a medium to encourage world harmony. However, some people believe such events are a waste and instead other critical issues should be prioritized. Bo
In some viewpoints, the Olympics serve as a platform for bringing different nations together, while in others, the Olympics are nothing more than a waste of money that could be put toward solving more pressing problems.
Some individuals believe the Olympic games are thrilling events that can gather people from different nations together and I agree with them. Others think it is a financial loss.
Few people believe that the Olympics Game is an important event and also make Unity in the nation. Although, Some of them thinks that it just throw of money into the trash.In my opinion Im completely agree with this stat
It is considered by some individuals that activities uniting countries of the world such as sporting events are essential and should be held, while others believe these occasions are means of wasting resources. In my opi
In spite of the Olympic Games, recently, have been perceived as one of the most crucial bonds between a variety of countries and an essential sports competition, a considerable amount of money spent on this activity rem
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