IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Recently,in the school world there was a huge difference between the two or three decades and now ,so when people learn in old schools they did not reach any creative things to develop themself but now and the future ıt
It was opined by people that art knowledge such as musical notes, drama series, and out-of-box writing had been crucial to education, and all schools should include them in their course structure. I partially agree with
Some think that the pursuit of art possesses possibilities to achieve a bright future. Even though in my way of thinking that there's no guarantee that a creative and art career could give one a good live standard in the
Few sections of society prefer to think that subjects, namely arts, music, drama and creative writing provides more towards a student overall growth. As a result, the school syllabus should gives more time for these subj
Extracurricular activities are the most popular concepts of learning and there is always a debate about whether these creative learnings should be added to the curriculum or not. Some people believe that, these kinds of
It is argued that art-related subjects are significant as other academic subjects especially with children. Personally, i am in agreement with the idea that arts play an important role in children's development.
In modern times, the issue of a child's overall development has become an essential part of everyday life.There are those who think that if a school wants to develop children's overall development then they should give e
Firstly, I think that if a person is good in art or music than in other subjects, then she has chance to make up a good career. For instance, i have a sister who did not want to teach in academic subjects but was better
While some children enjoy art classes at school, others might feel frustrated during those activities. Though I do not think that art lessons should be obligatory for every high school syllabus, I am assured that art edu
Nowadays, Many individuals think that courses such as art, music, dramas and attractive writing have a successful future. While, Schools should spend much more time teaching this kind of subject. I totally agree with thi
Leisure time is important for people to recover from stress and relax. There is a wide range of activities that people usually spend time on during their spare time. Many people choose to spend their time engaging in act
Children are future generations. Some communities believe that some courses like arts, music, drama and creative writing contribute offspring's overall development. Moreover, schools should include these subjects and all
A few individuals opine that dangerous physical activities such as sky diving and skiing are risky, and higher authorities must proscribe them. Even though violent sports help people keep fit, I completely agree that the
Every child is special and is born with a hidden talent. Some individuals believe that extracurricular subjects like music, acting and sketching are significant elements of education and every school should make it a me
According to some , people It is true that art activities music , drama and creative books , contains a very important part in the studies . and it is must me consider as a subject in each and every educational insti
Some individuals believe that courses related to music,drama and creative writing are vital,thus every institute must include them in the student's academic syllabus as these subjects are important for students.I complet
One section of the society believes that the subjects that are linked with arts like music,drama and creative writing must be considered as a vital part of the syllabus and every institute must involve these courses in t
Globalization opened new opportunities to national and international companies in developed and developing nations. Everyone considers this as a new step towards a completely different world. When the term globalization
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