IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many individuals think that successful people are hard-working and determined, whereas somes believe that finance and look are more crucial. This writer agree the former idea because hard-working people can apply for a w
In order to achieve success, there are a plethora of ways to do so. While some people believe that success comes from looks and money, others think that working hard and having determination are the two most essential el
Nowadays, many individuals believe that to successfully achieve goals in life require hard work and dedication even though others have an opinion that money and appearance are the factor of the success. This writer will
It is argues that the backbreaking work and persistency are the important things to be succeed, while the others believe that the money management and the semblance are the best reason for becoming successful. In my opin
One of the most successful way in achieving goals is hard-working and making an effort, whereas some people assume that money and physical appearance play an essential role in success. From my point of view, although the
In this day and age, becoming successful in life is the goal of thousand people all over the world. It is argued that success comes from industry and dedication, whereas the others think that money and appearance is cruc
Many individuals think that working hard and determination will lead to the success in life, while the others think that the factors like money and appearance are more important. This writer believes in the former opinio
Success is the main purpose of our life. It is argued that hard work and determination lead to the accomplishment, but some people think that money and appearance are the crucial elements. From my perspective, I argue wi
It is argued that two personalities are hard-working and determined play a vital role in successful life, whereas a number of people believe that alternative factors such as outlook and finance are also a primary foundat
Nowadays, the majority of people believe that having devoltion and hard work will allows them to be success, besides, others claim that money and appearance are more crucial. This writer lent more towards on the first id
The public argues that becoming successful mainly comes from people's effort and resoluteness, while others say that some elements such as finance and appearance also affect the route to success. In my opinion, I believe
A controversial discussion point is whether hard work and determination are more important than some factors such as money and appearance to become successful. This writer contended that industriousness and tenacity make
Nowadays, success has become a broad issue. Many individuals consider that success in life comes from working hard and effort while others think that poverty and appearance are more important factors. This writer believe
Many opinions may say that beauty and property will lead to a successful life. However, it is the writer's viewpoint that hardworking and determination are the initial factors of success.
In this ambitious world, money is trending. Indeed, more and more communities are evaluated based on their property. Some others believe that working hard will eventually make them successful while others , on the contr
Whether success comes from determination or other factors such as financial factors or how people look has been a discussion point. This writer argues that it is hard work that contributes to success , not other factors.
Nowadays, many individuals believe that success in life begins with desire and difficult work, otherwise, some people think that based on factors like income and external. This essay agrees that a victorious life comes f
It is argued that successful life always go with attempts and resolutions because it will make them feel satisfied with their life by lots of money, while others believe that success in life is just enjoy every little th
The factors leading to success in life have been a hotly debated topic. Many people think that success comes from diligence while others believe that financial resources and good looks play vital roles in achieving prosp
It is believed that the keys to success are determination and hard work, while others argue that appearance and money are more essential. The author of this essay believes that not giving up and being hard-working is vi
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