IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It would be argued by some that in order to succeed in life, one must have perseverance and a strong sense of purpose, while others think that wealth and physical features are more worthwhile in achieving success. In my
In recent years, factors that contribute to personal success have been a debatable topic. While I acknowledge the validity of determination and hard work to gain success, external influences like wealth and appearance ar
Some people argue that achieving success depends on many factors such as finance and outlook, others, however, believe that effort and persistence have a positive impact on individuals. This essay will examine both vie
In modern life, money is increasingly trending. The majority of people believe that money is one of the aspects that lead to success while there are others who have the view that a successful living which is results in h
A controversial discussion point is whether hard effort and determination are more important than some factors such as property and appearance to become successful. This writer contended that industriousness and tenacity
Many people believe that effort and discipline play an important role in achieving success in life, while others argue that money and appearance are two aspects that significantly influence one's success. In this essay,
Many people suppose that effort and discipline play as important role in achieving success in their life, while others believed that money and appearance are two aspect affecting to people’s success. In this essay, I wil
At present scenario,competitive landscape, the pursuit of wealth and physical attractiveness has gained increasing prominence. While few argue that success is primarily tied to one's financial status and appearance, othe
Whether achievements in our lives are driven by industrious conscientiousness and determination or influenced by financial factors and outward presentation remains a subject of debate. This writer asserts that success ac
In this competitve age world, money and appearance make everything become easier. A part of society believe this viewpoint while others think hard work and determination will gain success. This writer is going to discuss
Many individuals dispute that hard work and desire to lead to sucess, however, some people think that having money and apprearance can suceed in life. In my point of view, I support the idea that hard working and determi
The majority of people believe that working hard and determining are helpful to life, while others say that it is more significant issues like money and physical appearance. This writer is of the opinion that the former
In today's competitive landscape, the pursuit of wealth and physical attractiveness has gained increasing prominence. While some argue that success is primarily tied to one's financial status and appearance, others conte
Nowadays, many individuals believed that success in life begins from desire and difficult work, otherwise, some people think that based factors like income and external. This essay agrees that the victorious life comes f
In this competitive age world, money and appearance make everything become easier. A part of society believes this viewpoint while others think hard work and determination will gain success. This writer is going to discu
Nowadays, most people believe that being successful is when they achieve determination from their workplace. Meanwhile, others think that success comes from being rich and having good looks. This writer thinks that each
In that present time, some believe that try to work with determination is giving a success in life, whereas in the others side say that finance and look are more vital bases than hard work. This writer agrees that peope
Appearance and money are regarded as a crucial part of success, while there are some oppostion concern that determination and hardwork are way more better. This writer is choosing the sides of hardwork and passion and g
in the modern era, many individuals show appreciate of effort and hard working in human life but other people hold the opposite view that it is better to prior finance and the way they look as the most vital things in or
In the modern decades, many individuals believe make the life success is come from hardworking and determination while others believe that finance and appearance are a crucial part of become success. This writer will agr
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