IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people believe that increasing the minimum legal age for driving a car or motorbike is the best way to make roads safer. I do not agree because I think most accidents are not caused by young drivers but by irrespons
Some people believe that the optimal solution to reduce traffic accidents is to raise the driving required age. Although I agree that this approach has some effects in the short term, I think a better solution is to impo
Some people believe that raising the minimum driving age is the best solution to enhance road safety. I disagree with this idea because I believe that other methods are equally important and should be taken into account
A lot of researches assume that accidents proportion are increasing. some people consume that the problem could solve by tightining drivers age ,from my prospective that’s not a real solution may reduce the issue however
It is thought that one of the best ways to prevent accidents on road and upgrade overall safety is by changing minimum legal age for driving. It is a common knowledge that automobiles are the most danderous vehicle. Know
Obtaining a car at this point in time is becoming increasingly affordable. Some people believe that increasing the minimum legal age in driving a vehicle, will then reduce cases of road accidents. I strongly disagree t
There is a wide perception in many parts of the world currently that is increasing the persons who aredriving age, the most effective method to enhance the safety of the roads. from my perspective this idea is completel
In recent years, many traffic accidents were caused by young drivers. This has led to a lot proposing that the optimum way to improve such a phenomenon is by increasing the minimum legal age for driving. In this essay, I
Nowadays, some sectors of society are in favour of getting a driving license with more age than is permitted in the present in order to improve road safety. In my opinion, I strongly disagree as I do not think that this
There are those who think that raising the minimum age for driver’s licenses has the biggest effects on the progress of safety on roads. In my opinion, I partially disagree with this view, and the reason will be elaborat
The issue of road safety is a controversial one in many countries. Some people believe that the right way to decrease the number of vehicle accidents is to increase the minimum legal age for taking a driving license. I c
It is the core responsibility of the car or bike riders to ensure the safety of the people walking around the road. Therefore, It is often argued that the most significant pattern to enhance road safety is to review the
In today's world it is common to see a lot of car accidents that are caused by young drivers. Therefore, some people think that it is essential to improve road safety and the way how it can be done is by increasing the m
There has been an argument on the best method to improve safety on roads while many think the most effective way to do so is to increase the minimum legal age for driving a vehicle , a lot of people disagree with this no
The lifestyle of the population has completely changed since the last decade; therefore , many people prefer to go to schools and offices in their private vehicles instead of cycling and using public transport. From my
People have different views about the solution to prevent traffic accident. Some people believe that the government should increase the minimum legal age for driving vehicles. I am of the opinion that it is not a best wa
Road safety is a primary concern across the world. Many feel that increasing the age limit to obtain a license could result in fewer accidents. However, I believe that creating awareness and introducing stricter fines co
Some argue that the age regulation for driving could be the best approach to improve road safety. However, I strongly disagree with the idea for two reasons. Firstly, a huge number of car accidents has been caused by old
It is well-known that road accidents most of the time end in injuries and deaths. Therefore, some individuals believe that the best solution to reduce motor vehicle accidents is to increase the driving requirement age. A
The way of improving road safety is one of the most urgent task that people need to have serious considerations. In this situation, some argue that road accidents can be prevented by rising the legal minimum age of getti
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