IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today's society, there is a controversial discussion about whether new advanced technology affects negatively resident's relationships. Personally, I strongly disagree with this statement as innovation benefits huma
It is often said that the modern technology for communication is harmful to public relationships. This writer believes that it is not true due to the reason of keeping in touch via social platforms and can be a valuable
A controversial discussion point is whether social associations are adversely influenced by digital communication methods. This writer disagrees with this statement due to immediate conversation and expansion of relation
A controversial discussion point is whether social associations are adversely influenced by digital communication method. This writer disagrees with this statement due to immediate communication and expansion of relation
Nowadays, society prefers having networked communication and must face consequences in relationships. The essay agrees that up-to-date communication brings bad life accomplishments and a change in behaviour.
It is said that recent technology has had a negative impact on social communication. This writer disagrees with this statement because new technology enables people to easily connect to their friends and share informati
Whether the effect of communication advancement bears some consideration. This writer disagrees that it has adverse impact on the social relationship due to its assets in the efficiency and the opportunities to expand th
There are those who complain that the impact of technological communication style ruins their social relationship. Personally, I disagree with this point of view.
There is an idea that state-of-the-art gadgets used to communicate are badly influencing citizens in their relationships. This writer approves of it since it increases the cyber crimes rate and encourages people to not f
Some people opine that electronic devices allow individuals to communicate with others, however, it affects negatively social relationships. This writer totally disagrees due to the convenience of contact with others bec
In the information age, many individuals agree that up-to-date contact devices are creating detrimental issues relating to social relationships. This writer is on the opposite side of this statement due to the convenienc
Whether high-technological conversation and online connection cause some bad effect on the relationship of communities. The author totally disagrees with the statement that modern intelligence leads to a negative effect
Whether using technology gadgets is convenient, many individuals think that may have a negative impact on community relationships. This author contends that by using a smart device, you can get in touch with others and p
The predominant technology is believed to have an adverse impact on social connections in several ways. The writer agrees with the notion because technology impairs factual contacts as well as discrimination.
In the information age, the growth of technology spread in all of the world, leading to the toxic alter in the way which people interact with others. This essay shows the writer’s opinion that totally disagree with this
During this digital age, social bonds are being strengthened by advancements in modern communication technology. The writer agrees with the perspective that contemporary communication methods can enhance community cohesi
In the information age, the state-of-the-art technology to communicate becomes a negative issue through rapport in public. This author concurs with this notion because of the shallow connections between each other and th
The majority of people believe that up-to-date devices make social relationships unimportant. This writer concurs that bad influences of technology are caused by humans, not devices. Moreover, technology raises a higher
Many people believe that state-of-the-art communication technology is having bad impacts on social relationships. Personally, I partly agree with that idea to some extent while this progressive technology also offers mo
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