IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, some people adopt the point of view that zoos are a source of torture for animals . Therefore, animals should be set free. While others believe that animals living in the wild nature should be kept behind bars
Many critics insist that zoos should be closed down because employees' activities on animals are cruel. Nevertheless, proponents opine parks might be useful in the sustainable preservation of fauna owning to better facil
In the era of globalisation and modern technology, in some people’s opinion zoos should be closed down because of its cruelty. However, other individuals believe that zoos can be used forin wild animal protection. This e
In conclusion, despite the fact that both approaches have some legitimacy, it appears that to contribute to worldwide improvement, our human society must advance its information and produce modern inquiry enterprises. He
This essay will make an effort to discuss the detrimental and profitable effects of zoo activity. There are two different sides, according to which, one part of society supposes that it is a destructive and immoral pheno
It is commonly believed that, wildlife parks are awful for wild animals' house and should be demolished. However, while some argue that menageries can be helpful in defending predatory animals. In my opinion, zoos are us
sanctutary remain more popular as enterainment place and place to learn about the different species in all over the world. Although few folks opine that zoos can be useful in protecting the life of forest animals.Ho
The issue of whether zoos should be closed down or not has caused a lot of controversy. Some people believe that zoos are cruel to animals because they disrespect the right of animals and are very dangerous to humans, ho
The existence and importance of Zoos was always debatable has now become controversial with many people claiming that it is beneficial for the animals while others reject this notion. The substantial influence of this tr
Zoology parks are quit common in any country, Nowadays it is quiet often to have atleast one zoo in the city. Moreover, Zoo's had become a tourist attraction for visitors specially for kids and school children. Zoologica
Many people argue that it is crucial for zoos to be shut down due to their cruelty, while others believe that zoos play a vital role in protecting animals. Personally, I suppose that zoos should be maintained, though the
Some people argue that zoos help to preserve wild creatures , while others say that they are inhumane and should be abolished . While the development of breeding programmes contributes to the preservation of endangered s
Some people believe that it is barbaric to confine animals to zoos, while others say that they guard wild animals. From my point of view, under no circumstances can wild animals stay here.
Some people believe that it is barbaric to confine animals to zoos, while others say that they guard wild animals. In my point of view, under no circumstances can wild animals stayed here. On the one hand, people have co
people have diffirent views about whether zoo are extremely important or useless.some people strongly believe that above types of settings are so crusial however others totally believe that place where animals live this
Just like how a coin has two sides, the debate on whether zoos must be present is also two-sided. While some say zoos are torturous to animals, others believe that zoos are important for protecting animals , especially e
Nowadays, it is argued that a lot of people think that zoos should be closed down due to the conditions in there, while others feel otherwise because of the reasons for protecting animals. In this essay, I will explore t
In the contemporary era, animals are endangered. Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed, while others zoos are beneficial for keeping wild animals. Whether this activity requires any restriction need
Some individuals believe that zoos are all cruel and should be closed down. Others, but, feel that zoos can be helpful in conservation wild animals. In my opinion, zoos play a significant role in convervation of wildlife
The protection of animals became an important topic for a longer period of time because of deforestation and hunting. These creatures play a crucial role in our ecosystem. In order to protect them, zoos are built by auth
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