IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are differing opinions in regard to the freedom to use fresh water. Some believe citizens should have the right to use fresh water freely, while others assert that the state should regulate the amount of fresh wate
The graph provides information about the consumption of several commodities in European Country between 1979 and 2004. These were chicken, beef, lamb and fish.
Some individuals advocate that they are entitled to sufficient fresh water, while others demonstrate the restriction on water supplies is an absolute necessity. From my perspective, even though it is somehow reasonable t
Water is an essential resource for all living creatures to survive in the world. In recent times, many people are died due to water scarcity in Africa. However, some people concur that people impose a tax on the governm
Nature provides us wide range of renewable and non-renewable resources, some of them are in misuse or some are diminishing day by day. With regard to water ,some sections of society consider that they can utilize it bey
Water is an important element in everyone's life. Since ancient days water has been used by humans for several purposes without any limit . Nonetheless, it is generally opinionated by a small portion of people that the
Some individuals hold the view that they are not limited in the usage of water at all and may use it as much as they wish whereas others advocate that authorities need to restrict this valuable resource. From my perspect
Nowadays it’s true that many places are still facing the shortage of cleaning water, especially in some areas which are originally lack of fresh water and cannot also afford the high price from other countries. But I sti
Nowadays it’s true that many places are still facing a shortage of cleaning water, especially in some areas which are originally lack of fresh water and cannot also afford the high price from other countries. But I still
Water is a precious resource for each and every living identity on this Earth. There are many people who perceive that it is their right to use as much water as they want, while others opine on it and state that the gove
Some people believe that water can be used unlimitedly as they want while some others think that the government should control the use of freshwater because of limited resources. In this following paragraph, both of thes
Without a denying, a widely heated debate as for whether governments should control the use of fresh water (or not) has received great attention from the public. As for my perspective, I am in favor of the statement and
Undoubtedly, with people’s rising awareness of environmental issues, conserving natural resources has been coming into focus. Whereas some argue that ordinary people should have complete freedom on water use, I am holdin
Water plays an indispensable role in our lives. Some people think that they can drink fresh water to their heart’s content, while others believe that the government should control the consumption of limited fresh water s
There are controversial perspectives heating a debate whether residents can use freshwaterwater freely or the government should limit its consumption. In my opinion, although the former is valid to some extent, I maintai
Some people are of the opinion that they should have complete rights to consume freshwater as they wish while supporters of the opposite viewpoint state that this valuable resource should be strictly monitored by authori
The majority of the masses choose to wake up before the usual time and begin the daily work. While others adopt to get up late opportunity in the day and be at work until midnight. In my opinion, I opt for the regular wo
Most people thoughts about using freshwater are one of the rights that they have, but some people strongly believe that there should be a strict law that should be emerged about wise usage of water. There are the limited
To survive in this world, one needs fresh water on a daily basis. An average person can live up to 3 days without drinking water. As much as we need fresh water to live, it has become increasingly difficult to find it. P
fresh water has became to the limited resource for human beings in recent years. Even though people are intending to invent more advanced technology to save water resource, the waste spread of water is definitely faster
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