IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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several individuals believe that due to a human being living much longer, the lifespan for a person to retire from jobs would be raised considerably. this writer firmly contends that the ages for the population to reti
Some people stated that people's lifespan is getting longer, and the age of retirement should be substantially raised. This author disagrees with the statement because the elderly need more resting time for their pastime
Some people stated that people's lifespan is getting longer, the age of retirement should be substantially raised. This author disgarees with the statement because elderly needs more resting time for their pastimes and f
First of all, it is an indisputable fact that physical and mental abilities diminish with age. According to the National News, in 2020, more than 40% of the reported heart attacks occurred in workplaces, among those abo
The majority of people believe that eh age when the elder stop working should be increased immensely as the result of the longer age of many people than the past. However, the author of this essay totally disagree with t
The global life expectancy is said to be constantly increasing, where human tend to live longer than ever before. This has raised some arguments that the retirement age should be increased greatly.
Life expectancy has been soaring in the recent decades and this is causing both positive and negative effects. It is discussed if the legal age for retirement should be raised because of the increase of life expectancy.
Becoming ageing society, extension about retiring age has been discussed recently. Some believe it is inevitable to have longer retirement age limit, while others deem it is not the right time for it. I totally agree wit
The majority of people believe that the retirement age for some individuals who live much longer should be extended. I disagree with the statement that older people who live longer than others must work in old age.
These days, a significant number of people suggest that the age requirements for workers to retire should be lifted tediously since most of them are having longer lives. Personally, I strongly disagree with the suggestio
These days, significant number of people suggest that the age requirements for worker to retire should be lifted tediously since most of them are having longer live. Personally, I strongly disagree with the suggestion si
As life expectancy has improved over the past generation, it is argued that retirement age should be significantly increased. I strongly disagree with this viewpoint and believe that there are no valuable reasons for t
Due to advancements in science, the age expectancy of men and women has been raised considerably, and many thinkers have an opinion that the retirement age should also be increased so that people can manage their finance
It is commonly believed that the average life expectancy of citizens is increasing; therefore, one of the most repeated proposals is to raise the age at which workers retire. In my opinion, I completely disapprove of th
The life expectancy of the developed countries have increased due to the advancement of science and technology in the health services. This has increased the number of people living in the retirement age and some people
The topic that weather the retirement age should be raised or not because the average life longevity is increasing in the society, is one of the debatable among people and some also believe it should be done. This is a d
some people mention about source of very numerous old people lives longer, the retire's age of working should be higher consciously. In this essay, I will discuss why I disagree with the topic.
It is a fact that, for a variety of reasons people live longer than they used to the question is: should this be a reason for raising the age at which people retire?
There is increasing talk of a higher life expectancy for residents of many developed countries. This is due to developments in technology and medicine. As a result, there are calls for an increase in the retirement thres
Should the retirement age be increased? People have contrasting opinions as one group of them suggests: as the people live longer nowadays, therefore retirement age should be raised. However, I fully disagree with such m
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