IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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These days, there are a number of opportunities for students to study abroad and participate in international exchange programs. It has a lot of advantages for students, as they can improve their language skills and gain
It has been argued between educators whether there are advantages and disadvantages of exchange with international students.In my point of view, I strongly believe that interaction with people who have come from differen
It has been an argue that the presence internationall student and their interaction with local students in the school is beneficial or not. while some indicate it as advanterous and beneficial,ohers are not supporting th
Recently, there have been some kind of ways to help students know more about the outside world, one of them is international student exchange. Some teachers believe this will be a good chance for all teenage school stude
A group of teachers believe that exchanging international scholars would be advantageous for all school teenagers. I think this is not a positive development because in that sensitive years, a young student might face a
Many educators believe in the useful effect of international exchange programs for secondary and high school students. This essay will argue that the advantages of this outweigh the drawbacks. The essay will describe tha
Few of the mentors believe that arranging international student programs proves fruitful for our young generations who are school-going. However, I say that it has both positive and negative sides but the pros are more p
These days, many teachers embrace the idea of the international student exchange programme because it is believed that this would enhance the boundaries of a youngster. However, there are those who view it as detrimental
These days, exchanging international students is debatable. Although this trend has several benefits, I believe the drawbacks are.
Nowadays, exchange student programs are becoming more common. Some teachers believe this trend would be good for all ages of students, but others say the opposite. In my opinion, although this situation may bring some be
To start with, it is quite expensive to educate children from foreign counties. To explicate it, there is the cast of travelling and living when moving to other states that is really a burden on parent. Similiarly, young
According to a few people kids should be sent to others countries because it is benefical for them.This essay will illustrate its merits and demerits. As for as my opinion is concerned it have more advantages.
Nowadays, some educators are in favour of international student exchange for high school students. Experiencing this situation could be passionate and stimulating for them, as well as they could also miss their family a
Teachers favor international student exchange programs because they think it will enhance knowledge and experience of international students. At the same time, others consider it as disadvantageous for them. This essay w
Nowadays, the majority of education is changening and evolving, such as schools and universities. Besides, many teachers are developing and more educated in their field. However, some tutors consider that international s
Some teachers reckon that there are a variety of benefits that school admission can gain from transferring.Although this idea has many advantages, the main one is that he can get a quality education however,missing his p
People migrating to different parts of the world is very common today and parents are enrolling their children in schools. A plethora of educators holds the view that the transition of international students to the class
Nowaway days, lecturers think that when students study from abroad, it bensfits them in life. In my opinion, this essay will agree that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
These days, exchanging international students is debatable. Although there is a number of benefits to this trend, I believe the drawbacks involved are more.
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