IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It has become a controversial issue regarding the tution fees of children, as it has been suggested that students should bear the expense of their education by their own because of having personal benefits instead of s
Nowadays, tuition fees can be costed for students to study at university in lots of ways. Some think that students need to spend their own money paying for all their studies. This author contends that the government inve
It is argued that scholarships for university education are not necessary because they are useless for society. From this writer's perspective, it is an essential thing because of the income tax for the individuals and
It is argued that the scholarship for university education is not necessary because of the useless for society. From this writer's perspective, it is essential thing because of the income tax for the individuals and prom
There is an arguement between people tend to live independently and some others prefer rely on others. This essay will debate both view and give my opinion.
Many people believe that student ought to pay full fee during their studying due to the priority of university education is individuals not society. The writer agree with this statement and this essay will illustrate the
A portion of society suggests that pupils shoud invest all money for their process of studying to receive many advantages to the university instead of spending money on society. The author disagrees with the given statem
Some believe that teenagers should pay for all expenses for their education as university courses bring more advantageous to the students than the society. From my point of view, I totally disagree with this phenomenon,
Some people believe that higher education bring more advabtages for personably than safety. Therefore in their wowpoint clictent must pay all of the own skidy. The author of his essay totally disagree with that.
There is a common belief that in university education, all fees for their own study should be paid by pupils because personal university advantages are more than that in social life. In my opinion, I predominantly disagr
Currently, students of the university are concerned about the high costs and considerate to continue their learning. Therefore, some people proposed the idea of total scholarship because it will bring more benefits to so
A majority of people believe that students should invest all their money in their own safety because a university education has more advantages than society. This essay disagrees with the statement and explains it in the
In the digital era,some people believe that students need to pay full fees for their own studies because the potential advantage of university helps us improve detailed skills and also develops knowledge and grasp by edu
Nowadays, many people claim that learners should pay full money for their own research of getting from the government because it causes students benefits rather than the public. This writer put more disagrees with this s
nowadays ,people who have high qualifications are easy and convenient to find or apply for job .Therefore ,students should spend time anh money on studying than any entertain .this writter agree with the stratement that
Full cost for study should be paid by students due to the personal benefits of university education. This author agree with this statement because knowledge in university just serve for individuals future and unversity s
Some people say that because a university education takes advantage of individuals more than society, students should pay enough for their own studies. This writer disagrees with this statement due to university educati
Studies will receive more personal benefits about education than social benefits if they pay money for their study in universities. This essay agree on this opinion and will give some reasons about the writer’s point
The majority of people believe that students should spend their money on studying due to the advantage of education at academy better than society. This writer totally agrees with this statement and the reasons will be e
The majority of people believe that students should spend their money on studying due to the advantage of education at academy better than society. This writer totally agrees with this statement and the reasons will be e
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