IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The following bar graph illustrates data on how Britons spent their money based on their age, this information dates from 2004. Overall, it is evident that the expenditure on enjoyable activities increases as folks age.
The given bar chart illustrates how much money is spent on a number of various categories while examining multiple age groups of citizens residing in the United Kingdom in the year 2004.
The given bar graph illustrates the five different age groups of UK citizens's total spendings on three categories in 2004. Overall, residents's expense ratio on the culinary sector slightly increased, however, the perce
The given bar chart illustrates how many guests in different age groups in The UK spend their money in three categories (Food and drinks, restaurants and hotels, and Entertainment) during 2004.
he given bar chart how many residents in the UK spend their money in three categories (Food and drinks, restaurants and hotels, and Entertainment) during 2004.
The bar chart provides information on how British people spent their money based on their age in the year 2004. Overall, the older generation spent more on food and drink, in contrast, the younger generation preferred to
The chart illustrates the spending for three different tasks such as food and drinks, resturant and hotel and entertainment in Britain according to five age groups in 2004. It is obvious that people have spent in differe
The bar graph presents how 5 different age groups in the UK expended their money across three categories, named food and drink, restaurant and hotel, and entertainment in 2004. Overall, food drink expenditure raises with
The bar chart indicates the expenditure of different age groups of UK citizens under three different categories in 2004. In general with growing age, the demand for food and drink has increased significantly and the ne
The provided bar chart enumerates the spending on three categories amongst various age groups of UK inhabitants in the year 2004.
The bar chart showcases how much each of the three categories contributed to the total expenses of Britons in different youth groups.
Information is presented by a bar chart which compares the total spending on three particular purposes, classified by 5 different age groups of citizens in the UK in 2004. Overall, it can be clearly seen that while the p
This shows a Bar graph the how people spend their time at different ages . It is clear from the graph that they have three categories also, five different ages in the UK in 2004.
The bar chart shows the amount of money spent in the UK in 2004 for food and beverage, restaurant and hotel and entertainment. These details are grouped by age groups of local people. Overall, the preferences change depe
The following chart demonstrates the expenditure on three categories food and beverages, restaurants and hotels, and entertainment among five age groups of UK residents in 2004.
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