IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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This bar chart depicts the figures of males and females in higher education in Britain in three spans, and whether they were studying full-time or part-time.
The bar chart illustrates whether people of both genders were studying full-time or part-time during their further education in Britain in three periods which are 1970, 1980 and 1990.
Given are the charts demonstrating the figures for gender and age distribution of adults who took part in different classes during the nighttime in 2009. -> mở bài ổn
The bar chart compares the number of males and females who took four different evening courses in 2009, and the pie chart illustrates the age profile of these attendees.
The map mirrors the number of men and women that engaged in diverse evening ways at the adult education courses in 2009. While the map represents, the pie chart indicates proportions of the appearance based on age.
The map illustrates the number of men and women that participated in various evening ways at the adult education institution in 2009. At the same time, the pie chart demonstrates proportions of the attendance based on ag
The bar graph depicts the details about the number of males and females in Britian who were persuing a higher education full time and part time during a three year period from 1970 to 1990.
According to this graph, the number of men and women in further education in Britain shows the following pattern.
The provided charts elucidate the information of different evening courses among four subjects and participants’ ages at an adult education centre over a year counted in numbers and percentages. Overall, it can be seen t
The chart provides information on full-time and part-time further education done by males and females between the years 1970 to 1991 in Britain measured in thousands.
The bar chart demonstrates the number of males and females engaged in further education over Britain for the course of 30 years. It shows whether they were studying full-time or part-time and is divided into three period
The graph illustrates the comparison between men and women in Britain who further their education part-timetime and full-timetime between the year 1970 and 1991. Overall, between the three periods, the number of male st
The first graph illustrates the number of males and females who take part in different courses, and the second chart demonstrates the proportion of each aged group.
The bar chart illustrates the information about gender joining various courses in the evening at an adult education centre in 2009 and the pie chart presents the proportion of ages of the attendants. Overall, it can be s
The given bar graph illustrates how many male and female students were present in the evening coaching centre in 2009, however, the image of the pie graph tells us about the ages of the individuals who were attending tho
This bar chart depicts the figure of men and women in higher education in Britain in three intervals and whether they were studying full time education or part time education. It is clear from the graph that part time
The given bar chart illustrates the number of males and females doing full-time or part-time study in Britain in three different subsequent decades, which are 1970/71, 1980/81 and 1990/91.
The diagram illustrates the total of people in terms of gender who visited four evening programs at an adult education centre in 2009, while the pie graph describes the range of ages based on the visitors.
This chart gives information about the further education in Britain making a comparison between men and women. It also illustrates who attended full-time or part-time education in three specific periods.
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