IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The global population is accelerating at a rapid rate in the last few decades.The world's population rise is considered a serious issue nowadays. Different factors contribute to this hike. This essay will mention some of
These days, one of the most important humanity problems is overcrowding of the planet which is caused by a range of factors. I definitely agree with that statement and I think that issue may be really dangerous for peopl
In 2022, a baby girl born in the Philippines marked that the world population has reached 8 billion. At the same time, it is true that overpopulation account for the biggest challenge faced by the human race. There are v
It must be admitted that overpopulation is a serious threat the world is facing now. There are a few reasons for this situation and I completely agree with the statement that it is the greatest problem faced by mankind.
There is no doubt that day’s rise of humans percentage in the world is in soaring. The question is, the cause of the human is dangerous in this world? In this essay, I am going to discuss both views and draw my own concl
The greatest problem faced by humanity at present is the rise in world population. This essay will argue that financial background and advanced technology are the major reasons behind this. Also, In my opinion, it is one
The global population has been increasing trend for a long period of time. The world has been adding around a billion people every decade. Developing countries of the earth have been witnessing rapid population growth f
The conversation about overpopulation can quickly become a controversial topic these days. Today the Earth is home to more than 7.8 Billion people. Overcrowdedness becomes a major problem for many countries. I Agree with
The great increase in the worlds number of human's is the geatest issue presently. i totally agree with this opinion that continous rise of the global population of human-beings is the greatest problem.
The surge in population is posing to be the biggest challenge ever faced by the human race in present times. I do believe it is a huge problem and the major reason for it is a lack of awareness and poor family planning.
Many nations are now encountering the critical issue of the growing number of populations. In my opinion, I strongly agree that this is the most critical issue that the human worldwide is currently facing. In this essay,
The increasing population rate is one of the greatest problems at the present time/at present by some, while others have a biased opinion on that matter. My point of view is that there are more important issues that need
The increasing population rate is one of the greatest problems at the present time by some, while others have biased opinion on that matter. My point of view is that there are more important issues that need attention, s
These days, mankind assumes that the growing population is an enormous issue being faced by the human race. There are many reasons that drive the continuous rise of the number of humans. One of them can be more than two
The rise in the world's population is alarming as the current population is already crossed the estimated capacity to accommodate people. Some individuals claim that further increases cause greater damage to the current
It is no doubt that the world’s population is significantly increasing day by day. It is said to be the greatest problem encountered by humans today. This is primarily because of advances made in medical science and a la
We can see,without hesitation, that the world's population is increasing year by year, in fact ,numerous scientists are worried about how the phenomenon will develop in the future.
Most of the nations are facing a high birth rate which can cause overpopulation. This trend has been the biggest problem for human beings in the current world. This essay will discuss the reasons behind this phenomenon a
Our planet is facing numerous problems, such as rising population around the world, which can lead to problems such as overpopulation. The effect of overpopulation can be immense, and some people consider it the greatest
In today's modernized era, the population of the world have grown over time is a crisis is made by the human race. However, I would like to shed light on my opinion about the reasons for this phenomenon, and then argue a
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