The illustration explains how to process sugar from sugar cane. Overall, it is can be seen that the product contains 7 stages beginning with planting sugar canes and ending with a finished product being dried and cooled.
The provided diagram depicts the process how to produce sugar from sugar cane. Overall, there are 7 stages to making a final product that clients can purchase it. Moreover, the first three steps dedicate to preparing the
The diagram provided describes the process of sugar production and formation from sugar cane. The process given is man-made. The starting point is the harvesting of sugar cane after the end of the growth stage that take
The presented picture depicts the sugar production from sugar cane. Overall, There are three main stages of the sugar process which are growing, harvesting, and process using equipment which is crushing, purifying juice,
The diagram illustrates how sugar manufactures from sugar cane. Overall, this process consists of four main stages: farming, crushing, separating and drying.
the given diagram portrays the step of producing carbohydrates from sugar rodssugar rods. overall, seven various phases should be done until the sugar is ready and this action advances from growing carbohydrate pole.
The given diagram describes the whole process of creating sugar from sugar cane. Overall, we can see that there are seven stages of production, starting from growing the sugar cane to the final product.
The flowchart depicts all the essential steps in producing sugar cane. Overall, those processes will be divided into two crucial steps: producing sugar juice and crystallizing it into sugar.
The diagram depicts the process of the production of sugar from sugar cane. Overall, the process of extracting sugar is complex including various stages.
The illustration depicts the process of the production of sugar from sugar cane. Overall, the process of extracting sugar is complex including various stages.