The figure illustrates the process how sugar is produced from sugar canes. Overall, it can be divided into three main stages, which are harvesting, purifying and drying.
The diagram illustrates how sugar is produced from sugar canes. Overall, there are 7 stages, begging with growing sugar canes and ending with drying and cooling sugar.
The process diagram shows how sugar is made from sugar cane. There are seven stages, with only two variables. The process begins with sugar cane and ends with plain sugar.
The presented diagram depicts the process of manufacturing to produce sugar from sugar cane. From an overall perspective, as can be seen from the process, this procedure is divided into seven main steps for preparing sug
The illustration explains how to process sugar from sugar cane. Overall, it is can be seen that the product contains 7 stages beginning with planting sugar canes and ending with a finished product being dried and cooled.
The diagram provided illustrates the transformation of how sugar is manufactured from sugar cane. Overall, the procedure consists of seven stages which can be separated into four main steps: farming, crushing, separating