IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The bar chart compares the gender distribution of men and women teaching staff members of certain universities in 2012. Overall, from seven faculties, male staff dominated at four majors while women only at three majors.
The given bar chart demonstrates the comparison of the men's and women's quantity in the different specialities of the certain uni in 2012. Overall, establishment had more males and major areas for them were engineering,
The bar chart illustrates the proportion of academic employees based on gender in the university in 2012. Overall, it is clear that mostly men worked in the faculties of engineering, business, law, and science, while the
The bar chart describes the gender ratio of staff members who belonging to the accademic faculties of a leading college in 2012. Overall, the number of departments where there are more male than female is larger than the
The given bar chart illustrates the percentage of academic staff with different genders among variation of majors in 2012. X-axis represents different faculties of departments, Y-axis reveals percentages of academic staf
The bar graphs compare the academic working force in different faculties of an educational facility in 2012. Overall, it can be seen that both sexes have different interests depending on the subjects given in each depart
The graph demonstrates the portion in gender of academic staff in 7 faculties of a specific university in 2012. In general, in most faculties, the percentage of female staff is higher than the one of male staff.
The bar chart illustrates the proportion of male and female staff who work in a major university by different sectors in 2012. Overall, while there are more female staff specialized in education, it is interesting that e
The bar graph compares the proportion of several majors in a university in 2012 for male and female academic staff members, and these majors are: arts, business, education, engineering, law, medicine and science.
The bar chart supplied illustrates the percentage of male and female staff members in the university's major (arts, business, education, engineering, law, medicine and science) in 2012.
The bar chart illustrates the proportion of employees by their sex for various fields of the university in the specific year. Overall, we can see from the graph that the biggest difference in the percentage of men and wo
The graph shows the proportion of females and males working in different faculties of a renowned university in 2021. Overall, it can be seen that the faculty of engineering mostly hired male staff while the highest propo
The bar chart compares the porprotion of female and male academic members across faculties in university and divided into 7 majors: arts, business, education, engineering, law, medicine, and science in 2012.
The bar chart provides information about how many per cent of males and females work as academic staff among faculties of a university.
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