IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The Rising number of overweight is a crucial health concern, which carries out a serious affair. Spreading awareness through teaching physical education in school is offered as a resolution. I would agree with this sta
The sheer cost of health issues due to obesity has been becoming a widely-concern matter for nations stifling economic growth. This, according to some individuals, could be addressed by the allocation of more school time
Nowadays, the percentage of fat people has dramatically increased and the health care system is putting a piece of effort into solving this problem; however, some people believe that adding a new dependent that encourage
Nowadays, the increasing number of obese population is really putting some pressure on the healthcare system in an effort to deal with the health issues involved. However, some of them think that this problem can be easi
Obesity is one of the major health condition among the population these days. It is believed that adding physical education lessons in the study is the ultimate way to resolve this issue. I completely support this ideolo
Nowadays, the percentage of fat people has dramatically increased and the health care system is putting a lot of effort to solve this problem; however, some people believe that adding a new subject that encourages studen
According to the recent reports,obesity has increased in the society and this phenomenon has put demands on the healthsystem to combat with the issues that provided.some may reckon that, the ideal way to deal with this p
In the contemporary world , rapid increase in the number of overweight individuals causes health care experiencing severe obstacles with solving the health problems. In the meantime , a group of people believe that the b
The increase amount number of obese people in the community nowadays is putting a stress on the system of the health care. Some people believe that dealing with this issue should be by adding more lessons regarding sport
In today’s world, a diversity of foods that can’t control sugar cause obesity in children, adults and the older people. I believe exercise in the school and food control that can prevent children from diseases and reduce
It is true that a healthy lifestyle needs to start from an early childhood so that youngsters can gain a consciousness of health awareness and help to boost an individual's development.I totally agree that the school sho
The diagram gives us information how much different groups of people in the UK in 2004 were ready to spend money for their leisure on three different categories.
In this contemporary era, obesity is the most controversial topic in the health care setting as it indulges with a plethora of health-related issues. It is believed by a few individuals that a great way to deal with this
The increasing ratio of fat people is putting stress on healthcare systems in an attempt to deal with medical problems include. few people review that the ideal way to deal with this issue is to initiate more fitness ins
Nowadays, worldwide health departments have been focusing on the increasing number of obese people. Although the majority of individuals believe that an ideal solution to overcome this situation is by implementing more p
Nowadays, worldwide health department has been focusing on the increasing number of obese people. Although the majority of individuals believe that an ideal solution to overcome this situation is by implementing more phy
In today’s modern world, how to properly facilitate the well-rounded development of youngsters has always been raising lots of controversies. Many individuals believe that the greatest way to cope with this issue is to h
To a certain extent, I agree that physical education is needed in schools in order to educate students. However, I disagree with the view of obese people pointing to the health care system to solve health problems.
Nowadays, it is true that the overweight problem has been a main issue in the health field. A number of people suppose that the school curriculum needs to emphasize more on physical education learning. I completely agree
Obesity and health issues associated with it is a very important debate in current world situation, where overweight individuals are quite common. Prevention is always better than cure. Hence, I agree to the point of int
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