IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Millions of individuals around the globe are facing health problems due to rise in their body weight. Physical classes can educate people on how to make their body fit and slim. This leads to reduce most of the illnesses
Some people believe that school children should do their classwork individually. Other people believe that sometimes classwork should be done in small groups.
Nowadays, the healthcare system has been heavily burdened by the increasing figures of illnesses related to obesity. It is contended that penetrating physical knowledge in the syllabus of educational institutions is the
The increasing number of obese people is burdening the health care system. Some people suggest that the best way to solve this problem is giving more physical education lessons in school programs. Personally, I completel
In the modern world, the percentage of people who are overweight is increasing ,and this is a big problem for the physical health system. Many people suggest that the best way to solve this issue is for students should s
In the modern world, the percentage of people who have overweight is increasing ,and this is a big problem for physical helath system. Many people suggest that the best way to solve this issue is students should studying
It is undoubtedly true that the population of overweight has increasingly risen in the last few decades. As a result, huge a burden is put on the health system. Many people believe that if there is more sports education
There has been an increasing number of obese people as well as the cost of medical care for related diseases. Many believe that exercise in school education is the best preventive measure to solve this issue. I am partia
There has ever been an increasing number of obesity people as well as the cost of the medical care for its related disease. Many believe that an exercise in the school education has the best preventive measures to face u
The introduction of physical education in academic syllabus which was always debatable issue has now become more controversial with many people claiming that it is beneficial while others reject this notion. The substant
In the past, people tend to have weight in their normal range. Nowadays, many people develop obesity and it seems that the number is on the rise. As a result, some are concerned that this issue puts a lot of pressure on
It is an increasing problem in hospital that many parents take their overweight children to see doctors. To solve such problem, I completely agree with the opinion that some people reckon that the best way is to set up m
Due to the shift in the work and lifestyle of today’s world, obesity has become a huge concern. Being overweight not only itself is a problem but also linked with numerous other health issues, such as heart attack and bl
The increasing number of obese people is burdening the health care system. According to some, the best method to curtail the challenge is to initiate additional sports and exercise classes in school programmes. In my opi
Due to a sedentary lifestyle, the ratio of the overweight population is increasing gradually. Sadly, it creates stress on our healthcare system to treat associated anomalies. Some people opine that to reduce strain on Me
It is argued that, increasing count of obese people are making it difficult for health care centers to deal with the health issues involved. Many believes that introducing and emphasizing on more physical education in th
Nowadays, the phenomenon that more and more people become overweight is ubiquitous and this increases the pressure on the medical system since they need to tackle a wide range of diseases caused by obesity. Therefore, a
At present, growing numbers of people are suffering from obesity in many countries. Is often strained on the healthcare system by obese people to improve issues related to health. While some populations tend to believe
There are a lot of talks nowadays about healthcare problems. It is a most common theme in society on tv programs or the web. Especially in countries where healthcare is unavailable for groups of people and not sponsored
One of the most problems of society is obesity.This sick did not emerge in modern times,it was in earlier times as well,but it was seen in one out of a thousand cases.The big reason for that is culture,in prehistoric t
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