IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are a lot of talks nowadays about healthcare problems. It is a most common theme in society on tv programs or the web. Especially in countries where healthcare is unavailable for groups of people and not sponsored
One of the most problems of society is obesity.This sick did not emerge in modern times,it was in earlier times as well,but it was seen in one out of a thousand cases.The big reason for that is culture,in prehistoric t
Nowadays,obesity is increasing in the number of individuals.Some people hold the view that physical education in school lessons should be started in order to get rid of inactivity.While some argue that it would be better
Currently,obesity is a very important part of people's lives, as well as yet an increasing number of people are showing reluctance.There is no doubt that this disease has become very familiar to everyone.While some peopl
The idea that teaching pupils physical subjects or not is more beneficial , remains a source of controversy. While others are against this statement , From my respective , I strongly agree with the view that physical les
Firstly, schools are an ideal place to promote physical activity and healthy habits among children. By making physical education a mandatory part of the curriculum, children would be encouraged to engage in physical acti
Recent years have witnessed a significant increase in the obesity rate, causing pressure on the healthcare system around the world. Consequently, some contend that incorporating physical education into the school curricu
Obesity among humans is tremendously increasing as a result, they have to deal with many problems related to wellness. However, educational institutions should include physical activities in the syllabus of young buds is
Owing to the problem in the health care system caused by the increasing amount of obese, some people are of the opinion that introducing exercise and fitness to children in schools can help salvage the situation. I total
The issue of being overweight has become a controversial topic in this century. Hence, some people believe that this issue puts a huge financial burden on healthcare organizations. It is widely accepted that physical edu
The issue of being overweight has turned into a controversial topic in this century. In this way, some people believe that overweight people contribute a huge financial burden on healthcare organizations. While others ha
Owing to the problem which the growing population of overweight causes to the health care system,some people think that a key to solving this issue is to have more sports and physical activities in school education.I com
Owing to the problems which a growing population of overweight people causes for the health care system, some people think that the key to solving these issues is to have more sport and exercise in schools. In my opini
In this contemporary epoch,a greater section of society suffering from obesity.Therefore ,they are more prone to have co-morbidities such as , diabetes,high blood pressure and thyroid.
In this sedentary life, obesity is one of the most common issues in society which is certainly giving birth to various diseases as compared to the past. It is creating a lot of pressure on the health department to deal w
Many people with overweight create a load on the healthcare system trying to cope with problems with their well-being. However others think that a good idea to get rid of this issue is to introduce physical education oc
The vast majority of people have been involving a serious strain on health issues which is called being overweight. Some people believe that the best way to tackle the issues, is to do exercise and sport in schools. I co
In some parts of the world, obesity issues have become so ubiquitous that many overweight people have a detrimental effect on the healthcare system. Some people believe that the best solution is to introduce more physica
In recent years, a debate regarding the overweight issue in society has emerged. In particular, some people argue that incremented physical education lessons are the best solution to the problem. I partially agree with t
Today, we consume more unhealthy food than ever before in the history. Consequently, the percentage of overweighted humans continue growing. Many peole argue that the best way to deal with it is to add more P.E. lessons
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