The display table provides information on social as well as economic indicators for 4 nations in the year 1994, according to United Nations statistics.
Presented table illustrates economic, demographic and social indicators. Information is presented regarding 4 counrries with different levels of social-econimic development: Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire.
The chart informs about the indicators of social and economic for four countries in 1994. Overall, it can be seen that Japan has the highest indicators in the annual revenue per person with their possible age and reading
The table provides data from United Nations centre of statistics on key social and economic indeces for Canada, Japan, Peru and Angola in the year 1994.
The table illustrates the social and economic status of people living in 4 countries in 1994. Overall, annual income generally reflects life expectancy and adult literacy rate. People in Canada and Japan are healthier
According to the statistics of the United Nations, the table mirrors social and economic indicators in four countries in 1994. Namely, the countries are Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire.
The table gives information of social and economic indicators for Canada, Japan, Peru, and Zaire as stated by the United Nations statistics in 1994, As is observed from the given data, Canada and Japan had a far better e
The table gives information about social and economic indicators in four countries (Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire) in 1994. The indicators measured by the United Nation statistics are related to yearly personal income, e