IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people believe online classes in certain universities suit the new era, while others think offline classes produce more significant output for learners. Although physical interactions between teachers and students a
In today's world, online teaching platforms have become a popular tendency and play a significant role in learning methods. While some argue that online platforms save much time on commuting and are better than the conve
It is widely recognized that the phenomenon of online teaching is ubiquitous due to the fact that it has a number of merits. Some people argue its demerits first. However, in my further paragraph, both advantages and dis
Nowadays, ample educational centres are offered through the Internet. Few individuals believe that online study is more beneficial than classroom educational programs, On the other hand, the rest of the people say there
Nowadays, university courses can be accessed through both offline and online mediums making it available to those who seek to enrol in them. While some may claim that the traditional method of learning in class is still
With the rapid development of information and networking technology, people’s way of living and working has changed significantly these days. Impacts of change are also found in teaching learning styles. Nowadays, many e
Currently, numerous tertiary courses are being offered electronically. Some people are of the view that online tutorial has vast merits than traditional classroom teaching, on the other hand, others generally think that
The recent quarantine has moved many parts of our lives into the internet space, with no exception in education. It is argued by some that online learning lets students learn more flexibly and saves time. Nevertheless, o
There have been ongoing debates regarding whether or not some university curriculums should be taught in online classes. While doing so can be both negative and positive, I believe that there are more benefits than disad
It is irrefutable that one of the good benefits of education is created by online teaching, whereas others argue that this can lead to significant disadvantages. This essay will elaborate on the reasons why I believe tha
Many institutes of high-level education are promoting to switch from the conventional academic formation practices to a renewed virtual environment. Nevertheless, not all of the universities agree on that change. In fron
Nowadays, many university programs are held online, I think the benefits of internet-based courses outweigh any disadvantages, while a part of individuals claim that it has some drawbacks.
Over recent years, education on the internet is becoming significant and ubiquitous. It is believed by some people that learning through online has more benefits than studying in the classroom and lectures, while others
In recent years, large numbers of universities provide pupils with online tertiary education. It is often discussed as a controversial issue whether it is beneficial or there are more drawbacks to distance learning. Her
In recent years, large numbers of online courses are available in many universities. It is often discussed as a controversial issue revolving around whether it is beneficial or there are more drawbacks to distance learn
In this day and age, the pandemic and globalization are additives that urge students to join online courses. In this essay, not only beneficial sides but also negative aspects will be examined.
In recent years, large numbers of online courses are available in many universities. It is often discussed as a controversial issue whether there are more benefits or more drawbacks to distance learning. From my point
At present, with the covid pandemic, people have acquired the maximum use of technology advances, especially in the field of education.Many universities offer their lectures through online platforms to complete the cours
There have been ongoing debates regarding whether or not universities should offer their courses via the internet. While doing so can be both negative and positive, I believed that there are more advantages than drawback
From the past couple of decades the way of providing education at higher level has changed dramatically. Nowadays numerous university courses are being taught to students with the help of digital methods.As per my ,perce
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